Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Topics about succubi and spirit lovers.
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369 Riddle


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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by 369 Riddle »

Fightersword wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:46 pm I always thought the idea that the government shut down the RV program over the possibility other people wouldn't get paid as odd. I mean, the government is a pro at wasting money, and has tons of redundant employees. I doubt developing Remote viewing would lead to them canning half of their information teams. But yeah, I suppose it's up to provable experience. Until I experience or see strong evidence otherwise, I generally just assume RV is hokum.
I agree, the government is the best money waster known to man…either they cut RV and claimed it hog wash because they want the public to believe that and discredit the practice or because perhaps they got mixed results (because I do think it is a gift and even for those out there that might be able to do it…who says they couldn’t be influenced by others or something resulting in erroneous information / Intel.

I personally believe it exists as I think it to possibly be like astral travel just in a different state of mind. But sometimes I think ones mind might internally influence what one thinks they see and therefore they might not get the results they expect to feel like they can.

I don’t know how it works but when I was young I could find things by thinking about them and then I could walk right up to it…most crazy being I lost a tooth at a park and didn’t realize it until later in the afternoon…for reasons only known to kids I wanted it and went back to the park (over three acres of grass) and looked down and there it was.

Moments of intuition like my tooth experience are downplayed by people in day to day events and I think this might be tied to being larger than ones body (like I was saying above) and somehow connecting to something that allows unordinary events to be routine occurrences perhaps in some way related to RV or astral travel. Getting to a state of consciousness that allows that I think (personally) relies on third eye ability…I know my third eye is partially open (so to speak) but it is nowhere is open as it should be. The other part of this is the original question I proposed here regarding spiritual connectivity with all things-living and non living—just as a possible explanation…
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by tc119 »

The only way I know to deepen the connection between us and the spirits is to:
  • Be open to the communication happening in the first place. (Some people have hangups with this, like myself.)
  • Spend more concentrated alone time with said spirits.
  • Engage in some other mindful activity that pulls our attention away from the man-made and technological. (Meditation in nature, for example.)
  • My personal threshold for outside help are guided meditations and/or binaural beats. But ideally, contact with a spirit, or meditation, can be performed anywhere with any number of distractions in the environment when one becomes disciplined enough.
The main issue that I have with remote viewing being a reliable means of conveying information is the phenomena of what some call "reality distortions" during the out-of-body experience. I almost always encounter this when I manage to reach an OBE state. For example, I remember getting out-of-body in the house I used to stay at near Atlanta. I was in the kitchen and examined the plates - they were all red. In the waking world, they were actually all white with decorative embellishments painted on them. These changes seem to become more drastic the further one falls back into a non-lucid dream state.

Remote viewing attempts to overcome these distortions. I'm not read up on precisely how this is done, but there are those who claim to be able to teach such a method.

I'll get that alternative internal dialogue, too, Riddle. This especially ramps up during lovemaking sessions as one might expect. But like I've said before, I don't take any of it as gospel. Rather, I just see it as my mind's own way of interpreting how she's feeling about something. Remote viewing, or properly channeling spirit communication, that's beyond my skill currently.
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by Jay »

On binaural beats: I love the succubus attraction beats from different YouTube channels K and I like to listen to these with headphones at times…they help with connection and keeping my mind focused on her. Otherwise (non-succubus oriented beats) binaural beats just put me to sleep.
This is interesting because I've used some of those videos or similar, some have helped for connection, or been a general barometer of reciprocation. And when they stopped working, maybe that was a sign of other issues.

But I always wasn't sure if I trusted third party sources, depended on what it was.

Though I do share the same issue of falling asleep, more so without beats, but with beats they can be distracting.

The other issue is whether or not my thoughts should be active (visualization, active thoughts) or passive (allowing images, thoughts, sensations to ebb and flow).

In my case all I have right now is touch for communcation. and absence if something I'm doing is not conducive (generally relates to human women).
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by Fightersword »

The other issue is whether or not my thoughts should be active (visualization, active thoughts) or passive (allowing images, thoughts, sensations to ebb and flow).
This is actually a really tricky question, because the 'reception' part should be passive, like hearing with your ear, but the translative part (at least early on), is very much active, with you focusing on the impulse and translating it. So to continue with the hearing example, it's like when you hear a very quiet sound and then try to focus on it to figure out what the sound was.

Normally, early telepathic communication is very much a deliberate practice, where you're trying to reach that sort of relaxed state, then pick out impulses that seem noticeably alien, typically after asking a simple question, and translate them. So, I dunno, I guess you become like a 'radar dish', sitting and letting yourself feel any alien impulse or alien thought, then the guy sitting in the radar facility (you) has to figure out what the signal you detected means. It's difficult and takes practice to be able to do that against the backdrop of your own thinking (along with self knowledge, to ensure you're picking up on an impulse that is alien), but I find that once you start to get it it sort of clicks and becomes much easier.

Hopefully some of that makes sense. I've written some about telepathy development before, but it might warrant its own blogpost some time soon, because it's a concept that is definitely confusing.
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by Jay »

Fightersword wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:45 am
The other issue is whether or not my thoughts should be active (visualization, active thoughts) or passive (allowing images, thoughts, sensations to ebb and flow).
This is actually a really tricky question, because the 'reception' part should be passive, like hearing with your ear, but the translative part (at least early on), is very much active, with you focusing on the impulse and translating it. So to continue with the hearing example, it's like when you hear a very quiet sound and then try to focus on it to figure out what the sound was.

Normally, early telepathic communication is very much a deliberate practice, where you're trying to reach that sort of relaxed state, then pick out impulses that seem noticeably alien, typically after asking a simple question, and translate them. So, I dunno, I guess you become like a 'radar dish', sitting and letting yourself feel any alien impulse or alien thought, then the guy sitting in the radar facility (you) has to figure out what the signal you detected means. It's difficult and takes practice to be able to do that against the backdrop of your own thinking (along with self knowledge, to ensure you're picking up on an impulse that is alien), but I find that once you start to get it it sort of clicks and becomes much easier.

Hopefully some of that makes sense. I've written some about telepathy development before, but it might warrant its own blogpost some time soon, because it's a concept that is definitely confusing.
That's a really good way of understanding it, Thanks. I hadn't thought that the act of listening or focusing was active. But now the way you put it, concentrating on what comes thru makes sense. It's also what my intuition is telling me to do lately, of letting her send me imagery or sensations, trying to zoom in mentally rather than do visualization exercises or anything "constructive".

That focus method helps a lot because basically it eliminates the imagination doubt thing.

A long time ago someone (forget who) wrote that these beings expect you to be active, take a leading role, and stimulate them, or they get bored. And, besides that idea being very shallow!, that seemed so contradictory to the reality of being an radar antenna, or maybe more accurately a radio tuner. I guess both.

And when it does work, it's kind of like tuning into a station for a few seconds, and then I focus on whatever I have received or seen.
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by 369 Riddle »

Sometimes I will get “visual impressions” in my mind-pictures of my succubus in different forms. They will flash in my head and are not any imagine I have seen. I get these most often right when I lay down for bed or a nap…after I have been laying a while they decrease I think because I am too distracted mentally.

The beats don’t help with visuals in the moment-for me they only increase touch and are loving and playful. But what is interesting is if I listen to a monotonous frequency (as apposed to a mix of porn like sounds like some beats are)-when I turn them off…when I am at the point where I feel like my head is just done with that…I can mentally hear a voice talking to me-which is very difficult because my instinct is always to look for what is making the sound and that cuts it pretty quickly-but I have had the enjoyment of just hearing a female voice talking to me for a few seconds to an minute before. It always starts with her calling my name and then some or most will be inaudible (I have made out “I love you” and “thank you” from what I am hearing frequently however) but I feel a deep connection from it. So the beats cause the touch to pick way up and if I can do it long enough (and the beats are right) I can get a small window of this.

I do think the radio waves and receiver analogy are spot on…if my mind is still and not active sometimes she will provoke thoughts and like I said images and even a female actual voice.

This is different from her daily “conversations” with me in my head (all in my own internal dialogue voice) muddled together with my own thoughts-where I don’t know where my thoughts end and hers begin. However these too are important too as she often can provoke me to thoughts on solutions to problems I have not thought of, humor that I know isn’t my own (she is hilarious) and warnings.
“I am not in the dark-do not look for me there for what you will find shall be what you expect and it shall not be me.”-K
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by Fightersword »

Jay wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:02 am A long time ago someone (forget who) wrote that these beings expect you to be active, take a leading role, and stimulate them, or they get bored. And, besides that idea being very shallow!, that seemed so contradictory to the reality of being an radar antenna, or maybe more accurately a radio tuner.
A lot of people make extremely sweeping generalizations about things like 'what spirit lovers want' or 'what spirit lovers like' that it's insane. Applies to other areas of the occult too broadly speaking. In reality, spirit lovers seem to be complex individuals, often possessing very different morals, ideas, preferences, and so on on an individual level.

There's a lot of bad advice out there, that's for sure, and a ton of it is people making those sweeping generalizations. At best we can say it is them reflecting their personal experience universally, but more often than not it's related to things they read or assume rather than any real experiences.
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by 369 Riddle »

Fightersword wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:38 pm
A lot of people make extremely sweeping generalizations about things like 'what spirit lovers want' or 'what spirit lovers like' that it's insane. Applies to other areas of the occult too broadly speaking. In reality, spirit lovers seem to be complex individuals, often possessing very different morals, ideas, preferences, and so on on an individual level.

There's a lot of bad advice out there, that's for sure, and a ton of it is people making those sweeping generalizations. At best we can say it is them reflecting their personal experience universally, but more often than not it's related to things they read or assume rather than any real experiences.
Oh man, this is sooo true. There is so much crap out there that getting good information is very difficult. It doesn’t help that media, porn, and I believe perhaps (correct me if I am wrong) but some gaming even portrays succubi and spirit lovers (ghost, angel, demon) in different ways drawing so much attention to this unique niche of the occult. The attention just breeds people (no pun intended) who either think they know something or just like hearing themselves talk.

Some people even have openly said they have sex with ghosts and gone on the air to talk about it…just a perpetual cycle at this point. If you are not getting misinformation from one group you have the naysayers who want to diagnose anyone having these experiences as having a mental condition…so yeah I don’t tell anyone and never will about my experiences. Now I can come here and unanimously share-but if some documentary were to be poking around I might (probably like all of us) just have to disappear from here too.

I do think personal experiences can very, but I think there are other more prevalent factors at work (God based religious groups) as to why there is so much crap information out there. Some information is 180 degrees from being correct-the most significant being like that succubi are going to eat your soul and kill you-that they physically manifest and have horns and wings and tails and ????? Crazy.
“I am not in the dark-do not look for me there for what you will find shall be what you expect and it shall not be me.”-K
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by sirenAnon »

" I will hear a female yelling my name audibly like tinnitus" I have pretty bad tinnitus, thanks to a job that I used to have. This awful piercing whistle is in my ears permanently. I was meditating once and I decided to concentrate on the tinnitus the way you would listen to a steady meditation chime or something. I used my attention to sort of 'ride' the sound, taking special notice of ever finer and higher frequencies. I had a moment of feeling like I was hearing tones that seemed outside of normal range. Then the tinnitus stopped and it turned into the sound of a woman whispering. Freaked the heck out of me. I want to try it again to see what she's saying, but if I can't snap out of it then I will have pretty much meditated my way into schizophrenia.

Sorry that I kind of goofed up the reply there, I'm still figuring out this site.
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Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Post by tc119 »

sirenAnon wrote: Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:37 pm I want to try it again to see what she's saying, but if I can't snap out of it then I will have pretty much meditated my way into schizophrenia.
This is a fear that I have when I feel that I've gone too deep. I've had OBEs where I'm coming out of them and I'll hear all kinds of voices as I'm shaking the experience off. One time I remember thinking, "Welp, I guess I'm schizophrenic now." But the phenomena subsided as I started to move around in the physical world again. This can happen as I'm falling asleep as well. Apparently, it's a fairly common side effect of the hypnagogic state - the space between wakefulness and full sleep. I believe it's just our internal consciousness transceivers drifting around on the frequency dial and picking up random chatter.

I think I've done something similar to your meditation on tinnitus. When I get close to a trance state, I'll hear a rushing sound moving past my ears and it'll get louder as I tune into it. Then the noise will go completely silent as I'm teetering between wakefulness and sleep. That's when the interesting phenomena begins, like voices or whatnot. But when I do start to get something happening in that state, I'll knock myself out of the trance due to excitement or surprise. Trying to maintain that balance is kind of like learning to ride a bike!
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