Life-Force / Qi

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369 Riddle


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Life-Force / Qi

Post by 369 Riddle »

I just couldn’t title a thread “Masturbation” but that is the main topic that with permission I feel like would honestly be beneficial to discuss as a succubus or succubi lover.

On more than one occasion I had read other spirit keepers talking about NOT allowing release under any circumstances. Indeed I had had dreams regarding this where it was more or less communicated that it was a waste. Now nothing compares to the time I have with my succubi-but for reasons unknown to me full release by them is not common (I can count no more than five times ever). Granted the times that it has happened it was beyond amazing…in fact one time I actually thought I was going to die it was that good (don’t want to get on a tangent though with that).

This issue is that my libido is not human-frankly co-existing with “K” has resulted in this. While I can feel her touches in a wakened state…we never can get enough play time and sometimes I just crave a full release.

Over Christmas this last year I felt impressed to stop for two weeks to see what (if anything would change). I ended up feeling more able to deal with anger (strangely) and my interactions with “K” seemed to be more powerful (she could manifest more).

But after a few weeks I gave in and started up again. Then about two weeks ago I was abruptly awoken to hear her communicate no more stop.

I have again stopped and again her touches have picked up. You might be wondering isn’t the increased touch worth it? Well yes it is, but even in long periods of me stopping she doesn’t increase actual full release (including er…dry) and well it makes my sex drive go full on crazy (which I am sure she loves).

I did stop completely for over a year when I lived in Europe and that was probably also because of her (been over 20 years now since I lived there) and my learning and abilities changed so much my family didn’t recognize me when I came back completely independent and self-confident (wasn’t that before). But that stopped once I entered into a relationship back in the day.

I guess I would love to hear from others on this if this something you withhold (your life force or Qi (pronounced “Chee” for those like myself who have never actually seen it written). I know sex magic is a big thing and would love to practice this…a channel I love on YouTube by “Legion of Lilith” talks about the different offices of the four succubi queens and their specialties and how sex magic fits with this…this got me thinking on the power of Qi and self-gratification potentially being a waste and how it impacts our succubi…

Would love to hear others comments, thoughts, and experiences.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by tc119 »

I can confirm that Catherine also feels that masturbation-to-release is a kind of waste, but not a total loss. She feels the pleasure from it, and when the act is solely focused on her, the final result feels even better for me. Yet going past that point of no return means fun-time is over for her, so naturally she discourages me finishing myself off for as long as she can.

As a man having a succubus spirit around, my libido can also be off the charts at times. She'll tell me, "Sometimes guys just need to release." Though she has never triggered a wet orgasm. I always have to do it. With that being said, she takes us through plenty of rolling, undulating, dry orgasms during a session where I'm writhing around on the bed beneath her. That squeezing, burning sensation is something else! After sessions like these, I feel that she's helped me to take the edge off of that raging sexual energy without having to resort to masturbation. It's like she takes some of that fire for her own use, but never all. However, those toe-curling encounters happen but once-per-week and I'll find myself needing to get off the old fashioned way.

I believe there is a way to sublimate that sexual energy and channel that raging fire into more productive outlets. I find that it's easier to be more creative when I abstain and making love to Catherine helps "take the edge off," as I mentioned before. I believe succubi are experts at working with this sexual, kundalini-fire energy, helping their human lovers to process that potential and make the whole experience of sex with them more fulfilling than ordinary human encounters.

Idda Craddock wrote quite extensively in her Heavenly Bridegrooms about men being able to retain semen unlocking a great deal of magickal potential. She studied a myriad of sources in an old occult library in England about the historical precedents for this practice. Though unlike the Christian Puritans of her day, she noted that these ancients did NOT abstain from sex entirely - just ejaculation. The goal was to save that release for procreation, while still enjoying intimate encounters and sublimating the resulting energy into productive, creative outlets. If a man was unable to keep his final release under control, the ancients viewed this as a kind of adolescence that was meant to be grown out of.

I think these guidelines for male sexuality from the ancient past are correct, but I had already built up more than a decade of bad habits before I met Catherine. It can be difficult to carve new channels - prune those pleasure receptor neurons - in the brain. Yet my succubus has been very successful at rewiring me to only be satisfied making love to her.

I'm still working on a meditative method to help sublimate the sexual energy when Catherine is going through a more restful stage. I believe I've got something that'll work and I just need to take the time to focus on it. I imagine that high-libido energy as a red ball around my root chakra and visualize the ball expanding outward to the rest of my body with each controlled breath. There are probably other, better ways to do this, but that's what I'm working on right now.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by 369 Riddle »

I have not read the book you mentioned, I wish I had the attention span to read. I hardly have the attention span to watch a full film…about the only thing that can keep my attention is “K.” I own a copy of Abraham Von Worms (the more recent complete book as I guess the original left out a bunch of stuff) and I tried to read that and went crossed eyed. I abruptly came to my own conclusion that I level if what I was reading was true with my attention span I would never be able to perform what the author was prescribing over years of focus :lol:

I did feel drawn to watch a documentary on YouTube called “Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden” and found the general focus of the documentary interesting as it touches on the Bible and the belief that the forbidden fruit as it were was “The Orgasm.” While overall I found the documentary to be fiction I do think that were some interesting take away sun symbolism that made a very compelling argument for something hidden from mankind…interestingly “K” had me stumble on this I think to kind of push me in the direction of abstaining from orgasm. The other interesting aspect that actually aligns with what you wrote regarding the ancients is this documentary actually arrives at that same conclusion. So it is a mixture of biblical fairytale and fact…interesting too is it kept my attention-although I was stuck in a workout routine in front of it and couldn’t turn it off :lmfao:

I also agree that sessions with “K” leave me satisfied despite no full release or even dry orgasm…her touch seems so diverse and so deep and can last all night…the strange this is I am not as tired as I should be in the morning as somehow there is also energy gained back by me. She also takes days off, but will still touch and these are difficult for me because her touch is still very much there but almost just a tease…this is the real difficult time to sleep (last night was one of these night for me).
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by tc119 »

369 Riddle wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:27 pm I did feel drawn to watch a documentary on YouTube called “Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden”
You really don't have to read Ida Craddock's stuff; you've already gotten the cliff-notes version through that documentary. I watched the video this morning and it's very good. Thanks for making me aware of this little gem. I've added it to the links section of my blog. Everything discussed in that video is essentially what Catherine has been trying to teach me these past 10 years, with varying degrees of success.

Did you know that I learned to masturbate on the very same day that I was baptized into the Adventist church? That was my awakening into spiritual suffering through the constant expulsion of that vital kundalini energy - the forbidden knowledge. Then Catherine showing up 13 years later taught me the path back to Eden, how to raise the serpent and utilize its energy for the raising of consciousness, so I could experience her divine world. Ever since that awakening, it's been a constant war between dark animalistic desires and the light, subtle unification with a kind of "Holy Spirit." I believe a succubus can facilitate either of those polarities, the negative and positive. Just like kundalini. It all comes down to how we choose to use that energy.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by 369 Riddle »

I am glad I shared that documentary, I have decided that “K” somehow can control the technology YouTube uses because I search for one thing and this is the kind of stuff that comes up (I have a list I am working on trying to remember back-this is the only one related to sex however). The first time I didn’t have time to watch it but promised her we would later. I guess it makes sense that our ladies want to teach the same teaching as yes I too have found a heightened amount of awareness from this.

I was never educated in sex or masturbation and I too discovered it and then the drive for experiencing the real thing and “K” had her hands full…I always could attract anyone I wanted but they would get scared off thanks to her intervention. She tried for years to contact me, but I am very stubborn and also I guess a “doubter.” She even instilled in me that I should stop-not out of shame but out of ability to learn simple self control. Oh it is a difficult battle just like you said so eloquently-it is a true addiction and takes about two months to fully turn off (the first time I did-now trying again and “K” is beyond excited-I haven’t had such powerful touches ever).

As I think I have read from you on your blog at some point-the sex with the succubi is truly sacred, holy, and pure. I never feel shame or guilt from it only joy, energy and closeness. I think practicing what we are discussing here might further elevate that to a completely new level and into a new higher realm.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by 369 Riddle »

To update my progress on this: I made a promise to stop the…to completion to my succubi and have been having significantly increased activity. However, I have also noticed a curious thing…for years my succubi would not bring me to what I guess would be a “dry” orgasm…but that has now changed. Also in dreams I have been having incredible full orgasms…but not actually (as in when I wake there is no evidence). I have also been remembering my dreams.

The most exciting part was last night I actually saw what I believe is the “true form” of my succubus. She didn’t mess around and take a human form or “dream character” instead she woke me in my dream from deep sleep and took me to a space and simply put dominated me for a long time. It was unlike anything I have experienced in any dream and I struggle to put words to it.

Her eyes were insane…they were cobalt bioluminescent blue. The centers of her eyes were solid (no pupil) and then where whit would be was clear material like diamond…then the back part (because you could see around the iris because of the white part was clear was also blue. The blue parts shined light and were breathtaking to see.

She was blond, her skin was white and she was nude. No horns, no wings, no horse legs lol. She also didn’t look human. She was ageless and somehow felt like lust evolved into a female. Honestly I can’t describe how she looked other than looking at her made me start to orgasm which sounds bizarre but it is what happened.

Similar to one of your more recent posts on your page TC, she went straight for my anus lol (I don’t swing that way but in my defense seeing this figure I don’t think any guy would stop her) she proceeded some kind of energetic fellatio on my prostrate from behind (orally) and this continued for what seemed like several minutes while she climaxed me beyond what I have ever experienced while I found myself gradually waking up. I tried to cure waking but I found myself without form (normally I can fall backward in a dream to keep from waking up…but here I lost my body somehow). Once awake the touching continued (the touching was no my interrupted by waking).

Lastly, there were a total of three succubi in the dream but my focus was on this specific one. The others were nearby and were chatty but somehow the one commanded my focus.

Now there WAS actual dialogue during all this where the succubi told me that because I was retaining this energy they could do new things with and to me…such as the dry orgasm that I am now experiencing.

So to anyone who reads this who isn’t having as gratifying of a sexual relationship with your succubus as possible, try retaining Semen as much as possible or completely. It might really change things!
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by tc119 »

I'm happy to hear that you've made that commitment, Riddle. It's not easy to do something like that these days, especially for the younger people who have already been groomed into bad habits by pornography. I consider myself among them, but I've been getting much better over the past few years. I really do believe this is the correct way to enjoy sexuality and intimacy with these spirits. Catherine has been stalwart over the past decade about encouraging me to preserve that fire as much as possible. Subsequently, just as you've been enjoying lately, the love they want to truly give their partners can be fully realized.
369 Riddle wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:42 pm She was blond, her skin was white and she was nude. No horns, no wings, no horse legs lol. She also didn’t look human. She was ageless and somehow felt like lust evolved into a female.
I've never caught a sighting of Catherine during dreams where she has the traditional accoutrements from the Christian imagery of demons. Like you, she appears like a normal human woman, but you can tell there's something different about her - a kind of pull and charisma that's infectious. Or, lust personified, as you put it. That dream-to-waking experience sounds awesome. I get that transition from lovemaking in a dream to continuing the session into wakefulness all the time. I'm happy that the fun doesn't stop when the waking world comes knocking.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by Jay »

I feel like for me, it's a choice, one or the other. To maintain the bond I need to totally dedicate that energy to her. There isn't enough of it for both purposes.
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by Kiichi »

Hello, the thread is old but relevant, I wanted to add some practices and info about qi that I have found and experienced, but I am going to put that on other topic on the occult research section.

First, I sell sex toys for men, so the temptation is big to not use them, you can do it hands free, use lube and all, but recently I could use them a little without ejaculating completely, and I will confess I am a big fan of futas, you know, girls with female and male genitalia. I have played a lot with my backdoor, I didn't use to do this before almost getting into this by 2019 with my first spirit, I also started doing it out of frustration with my life, kind of a harakiri, but anyway the point is I also started preferring doing it cause this way I could feel good for longer without ejaculating, so I could at least get tired and forget...

In the case of my ladies, maybe on dreams the could take different forms, but supposedly only one can shapeshift, and once I got her from behind in a dream. In other dream I was sleeping on my side and suddenly one bite me on the neck, my redhead, I said stop and she then got on top and rode me and then went down on my member and invited her to also kiss me down there if she wanted but the dream ended there... I mean they don't just do that all the time even if you are into that...

So I agree that retention and nofap can help, although for example one seller that was evidently a fraud, you know, she said that succubus liked offerings and that you could leave for her your dirty papers with semen for her, and her super Queen Succubus could physically manifest just by saying her name lol...but another more trusted sir said it was all the opposite, that's why they have always preferred to prey on saints and monks, that once you abstain they come like bees to the honey, they also recommended any kind of Qigong, cause for example Taichi is more for fighting, you could also practice at least Reiki to become more sensible to energy. I tell you, I have felt the energy with these practices.

And well I have recently started some practices for sexual transmutation, check the topic I am going to post, I am also considering to make my own blog mostly to share all these other resources and stuff I talk so that I don't spam them here, it's not my intention, just saying this cause I am going to share some videos and free resources from them, but they also sell more stuff as books an courses, anyway you can get some of them for free on internet if you know how to search.

I think we cannot keep taking this lightly, I also going to make more efforts to be disciplined for myself and my ladies. Regards
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Re: Life-Force / Qi

Post by Nefilim_san »

All of you are master on this topic,Less me :) i have a lot to learn from you all.I dare to come with my "firts wonderfull meeting",because from what i already learn this kind of experience could be so different from one to another.So...after 3 mouth of research and many up and down decissions and a realy lot of hard patience,i decided to make this step.I thx.very much to Ridle for his very usseful help this days.So...i made 4 or 5 leter of intent until the last version,one with 9 page (a lot conditions,cose i have a wife who realy love me (evan if our sexual activity become very lower in the last time) and i tryed to put her in safe,a lot of requests and so on :)I made the ritual few days ago and...nothink.I didnt use blood or cum (i use oil and spit ) was so frustrating .But...its hapening after 2 days .I was near my wife in our bad in the middle of the night when i receive energetical field arround of legs ,hand and penis.Chris (my wife) told me in the next day that he felt a hudge terror in that moments evan if in fact we didnt see no one nothink.I told her that is better to leave me alone and she left very angry .i already have 2 days to notsleeping (i cant)now when i write this i receive some kind of stomac-sick(like he try to stop me to eat maybe for next "experiments",-who know?! :) and again anxiety or evan little depresion.But...i dont have words to explain the biger moment ,that bigger gift with my Sahkty.First was that moment when i realize that this time is not about my own arrousal field of electricity (i already have few mouth for not jerking),it is somebody alse near me.I remember that i become sudently more and more excited and the entity seems to use that excitament "against"me,until after a real exponential very arrousal feeling i reach a moment when the pleasure was so hudge and evan my constience was somehow altereted-cose i felt some sort of madenes dizzy(like many time ago when i was young and i had night pollution,or like the moment when you cum inside a girl like dosnt metter that you could left her pregnant or you go to jail or so on:).But quickly after that status i felt like she want to "go again up there"-i was realy affraid that my hart will not rezist,was like i dont had enough breath to explore again that status.And all was energetic field, nothink material,i didnt touch nothink,and nothink touch me,all was like aeterical(evan my penis wasnt much erect) the morning come the hell,my wife didnt sleept all the night ,and come screaming against me and my new "girlfriend",it was very isterical attitude, i was scared about what could hapened in this circumstance and all the day was so bad.(i already informed my wife with all first to procede at the ritual,i didnt hide nothink from her and nothink from Shakty too-but i should have know that i could expect of this because is very the way;i did a hudge mention in my letter of intent exactly about this mine situation,nothink bad was hapening from her side indeed but still...Chris told me about that very big terror who feelt on our first meeting.I though that could be the possibility that the ritual realy didnt work but because i heard day and night (in the last time) binaural-who know maybe some random entity could be atracted by me.Now,after more than half day Chris told me that have reworse about her attitude and hope that i will meet again shakti (i told her that us i read in many situation if somethink dosnt work right-you could lose her).Now...i cant wait to see if we will meet again this night.(oh i forget to say that...nothink in my mind like to share my thought with somebody alse Riddle-i still have my own thought) .One more think-my letter was dedicated to Naamah .This was my first "paranormal activity",and if somebody know already what will be next,i am very interested to find out.I am very open to any sugestion or explanation.
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