Litle help

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Re: Litle help

Post by Nefilim_san »

I am so divided; A friend from "living god" just told me this "So you have no idea. You can’t feel the parasite and you don’t know if it’s gone or not, and you did a cleansing ritual once and you don’t know if it worked or not.

And now you are not changing anything about what you did, or where you started, you want to go summon more entities to whore for you at night.

You continue with unprotected, dirty practices: have no spiritual hygiene and refuse to spend any time developing skills, and continue to try to run before you can walk.

I think you will be very lucky if do not get very sick and be fodder for every parasitic entity that now knows you are fair game.

My advice is, get your mind out of your genitals for FIVE minutes and start protecting yourself."
2)Its like the time become very in hurry with me and i dont know were to go ?! That Kundalini rissing scarie me and was hard to send him back..."to sleep".Good reason to need a succubus,but now i understand that maybe Lilith know better that probably i am not prepared yet for this path.On the other side why i am not good enough for this? For the moment probably his advise is corect-need to find out more and tougher way to clean my self and kill parasite.
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Re: Litle help

Post by 369 Riddle »

I think you need to chill for a while. Take a road trip-go camping for a few days, go to the beach for the weekend…something and get grounded. The mind is a very powerful thing and if enough people tell someone “you look sick” that person will feel sick.

In the beginning I blamed my succubus for so many things that have gone wrong or for getting sick. My thoughts were she is “wicked” and I was choosing her over god-but then I realized everything I was blaming her for was me just attributing all things negatively to her when I needed to realize she is the purist thing I have ever been around and I love and adore her so much.

If you feel these things you describe-meditate on why. Who is telling you you have a parasite? If you are cut it out and if it is someone else don’t listen. Feeling drained, headaches, chaos in your life are all common in the beginning of these relationships. The bonding is intense and then isn’t for a while-but how you react or overreact can really impact this. Chill out and just be. Tingles in the genitalia after sending Naamah a letter is a good thing. You don’t need to do anything other than stop obsessing about something being wrong and meditate of the touch and feelings you are getting. Succubi communicate through touch-sounds strange but that is how it all starts.
“I am not in the dark-do not look for me there for what you will find shall be what you expect and it shall not be me.”-K
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Re: Litle help

Post by Nefilim_san »

Hi my friend,i am glad to hear you again :) That parasites i think i realy had ,Mulberry (one from 'become a living God")-told me first,and i believe him because for the first time i had a very strange feelings-i realy lose all my sexual energy after few mouth of full,and was hapening without nothink in exchange (no wet orgasm,nothink).The real problem was like sudently i become "eunuc" ( one who cant have any sexual or desire feelings .And again...for the first time i waik up extremely angry (i dont remember to had in my past such a strong feelings) with pain of muscle on my stomach.Mulberry sead that he feed with my angry and he still my sexual energy giving nothink in exchange.You are right, i already have this tingle on my sexual area from when i had that so wonderful experience (dry orgasm),it like i bring somethink from "the other side".:) say that this feelings meen that eventualy some succubus could...'ask about me" ? :) I still have affraid about that Kundalini awakening.And,on the other side now that i descover initiatic sex, i am realy not very interested anymore in normal relationship,and i dont want to waste my energy .Remane for me interesting il fact that i had that "big gift" 2 days after my first letter for Naamah,i am affraid that i lose a realy succubus or spiritual-love then because after that wonderfull experience i didnt had nothink the same.In that morning few very ugly thinks was hapened.Exactly in the moment when i felt very arrousal (few minute before the "gift") my wife (told me next day)she felt a huge terror feeling (like when somethink notnormal look at you from behind and you feel that look who terorized you).I told you that i didnt hide nothink from her we are first of all-very good friends.So then i send her in other room (trying to protect her),and in the morning we had a big litigate about it and if it realy was some lover spirit-for shour was enough upset to leave me.I wonder if a parasite could bring you there "Up" (give you that so high feeling) because if not- meen that i loose that spirit from inition.
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Re: Litle help

Post by Jay »

I think you have to be careful who you listen to because there are people with negative views towards this kind of relationship and conflate (view as same) succubi and parasites, etc.

I also remember you saying your wife is scared and maybe her fear plays a role in this.

I think the advice to relax is good. You can't blame everything on your life on a succubus. Even if you had a "parasite ", you'd have to feed it with self created fears.

You have to conquer your own fears and that means you do you quietly.

I think the sense of terror some people feel is not unlike the feeling of a thunderstorm coming. There is a change and an instinct. But fear is caused by the unknown or unfamiliar.

I wouldn't worry greatly about losing the spirit lover because she is likely more patient but I believe you just need to accept her. But I'm obviously somewhat biased with the view that all this fear and struggle gets resolved eventually because there's a spiritual pairing. And you're just reacting like a dog or cat in a thunderstorm. The noise , energy, feeling is unusual at first.
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Re: Litle help

Post by Nefilim_san »

Thx. very much for your thoughts Jay I must recognize that i had a lot of affraid indeed,at list in the last time;In the same time you must know that i was realy a fighter,i have many memory who make me proud of my self because i chose to fight for others assuming very big risk (meening evan to become prisoner in comunist jail ).And i have affraid because this time i do not belong entirely to me,if somethink hapened with me, my wife could evan suicide,and we have a realy lot of..."pets" we feed and cary them,without us they die from starvish.This is my reality and i realize that evan dead is not an option for me yet ,so this is why i am affraid.Beside...i think i just pased that "dark night of my soul"plus longcovid who come with depression so probably this last argue could bring some more fear for me ,who knows,i only could say that i become not the same who i was.I have a lot of expectation but now sudently i descover that could be like when you go in restaurant and order a realy lot stuff from that menu-it will cost you a big price,so...probably i will need to make same ajournement or adjustement :)
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Re: Litle help

Post by Jay »

I could understand that. At first it can seem like you want a million things, requirements, desires, limitations, protections, etc. And then you wonder what does the spirit get from it all? And I wonder that sometimes too.

But what I really think is that this kind of relationship is exotic to them too, or different, and they have a learning as well as teaching opportunity. As well as the obvious energy exchanges and time spent focused on them.

I don't see it as being a price you cannot pay. A lot of fear and misunderstanding caused by religious beliefs from the past.

I think a person has to have a wide spiritual view and become comfortable, assured, trusting in God / the universe / whatever and their own abilities to make it thru. Then, one can understand something like a spirit lover fitting into a much bigger picture.
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Re: Litle help

Post by Nefilim_san »

You are right Jay when you speak about religions and the 'wash brain' who bring.Evan if i wasnt the must christian ,i already confront a lot of problems reguarding my contradictions thoughts.And... very interesting descovery;if for me God was all the time like an impersonal entity,you pray to him and you hope to receive his bless or help ,Lilith is close,you could realy feel her when you speak with her-that is fantastic, realy amazing.Evan if i didnt receive her dother yet (i realy dont know if to make later in time other letter of intent to her cose i am pretty shour that already know my "problem" and probably think that maybe i dont realy need of her (who could know her reason),still i was very impressed to have a strong feeling when i try to speak directly to her.I didnt dare to invoc her (who am i in front of her),but i dare to speak with her like is near me,and us i told you,i had strong feeling then, not thoughts, nothink alse then feelings.
But,about spiritual-love or incubus,i must say that i am dissapoint,after few days to "do nothink-or almost nothink,cose is hard to fight against this strong dependence)i tryed few strong binaural and i evan receive some ilnes,sicknes but nothink from what i wish.5 mouth ,a lot depressions (i think that darknightsoul-come specialy because of contradictory thoughts about religions),a lot of.."experiences"(speacialy ilness from parasites,a lot of them),nothink alse.At list for me "paranormal activity " is not anymore paranormal :)
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Re: Litle help

Post by Jay »

I remember reading a long time ago somewhere that people who are having problems should avoid trance states and that binaural beats are basically a very artificial way to bring a person into a trance state. It's like a crutch in my opinion, with a danger that some file could have subliminal messages or something in it, or other suggestions.

I currently avoid binaural beat files. It's not necessary that they don't work it's more along the lines that I don't trust whoever made them for whatever purpose they were made for. And I'm not trying to get myself into a hypnotic state, rather just relaxed enough to sense and concentrate.

And like anything magically/ spiritually related, you want to make your own stuff or do your own thing.

I do think that your idea of writing an additional letter of intent is a good idea because it helps both of you to outline what it is you are facing as far as problems and needs. And it allows the spirit to get a clear idea sort of triage what needs to be done ASAP. Like if you made the original request to Lilith, and make another one explaining the problem and request, as long as it is sincere, I think that actually works, especially if you have a relationship with Lilith.

I think you will be constantly challenged "why do you want a succubus?". If only to make you admit what you truly want.

So if something is bothering you or you have a major question that needs to be resolved, putting it in writing might be the best communication method.

Or at least it has worked for me.
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Re: Litle help

Post by tc119 »

Jay wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:21 am I remember reading a long time ago somewhere that people who are having problems should avoid trance states and that binaural beats are basically a very artificial way to bring a person into a trance state. It's like a crutch in my opinion, with a danger that some file could have subliminal messages or something in it, or other suggestions.
There's a very real possibility that someone could use binaural beats, or any sort of guided meditation, to impart rogue subliminal suggestions. So, it's a good idea to critically listen through the audio files first to be sure that the appropriate messages, or programming, are being used.

I think another aspect of the fear surrounding the use of binaural beats is because of the research done by the Monroe Institute back in the 1970s and 80s, where they worked alongside SRI and Army intelligence officers to train psychic soldiers who could effectively remote-view distant targets. Pretty much everyone uses the hemi-sync-style binaural beats that were developed by Mr. Monroe during those years. He essentially pioneered their use for expanding consciousness. But whenever the government or the military gets involved in occult-related matters, there's reason to be suspicious, seeing as how they're not often in the business of liberating people's minds.

However, the methodology behind their use is fairly easy to understand and it's not like binaurals are an arcane black-box, inaccessible to normal people. They're easy to make, with a tone generator and multi-track digital audio workstation. The trick is finding the right frequencies to induce a desired brainwave state.

But ultimately, you are correct in saying that they're a crutch. We should be able to enter those trance states on our own steam.
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