New rookie

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New rookie

Post by roperos »

Hello, as subject states, I'm quite new to this. So new to the point that I'm yet to perform the summoning ritual.

I'm here mostly from curiosity, but I also have a small story of my own.

I started my read into this subject roughtly 2 months ago. At first on /x/ (4chan), but I quickly moved to reading personal blogs and such. I read plenty of warnings that you can attract a spirit just from reading about it. I think it happened to me.
For some context. I never experienced anything supernatural / interacted with a spirit as a child.

It was early June. I was at home doomscrooling when It happened. At first, shivers and twitches in my abdomen (quite pleasant). Followed by an erection and what felt like stroking and pulling at the same time on my cock. I was on high alert from first shiver, but it took me a moment to connect the dots. When I did, everything stopeed. My arousal deflated instantly and i was left... curious.

Since that event I started to meditate. It's nothing fancy. Some breathing exercises mixed with repeating short phrases to get myself into light trance. I often find myself talking to the spirit. Nothing particular, just mumbling sweet nothing and such.

It's been 1.5 months since that first event. During this time I had couple of experiences that make me certain that there's something (someone?)

I won't go into details about every encounter. I want to describe my favourite one.
I was at the end of my session when I decided that I want to gift it some of my energy. I extended my hand forward and imagined how an orb of light moves from my torso to my hand. It stayed there for a moment, then I felt a gust of cold. It swept across my hand and pulled the enegry up from my hand. After that, i went straight to bed and then it hit me. I felt emotions that were not mine. I felt his/her gratitue and warmth. As if this spirit is happy that I'm trying. I'm certain I didn't make that up, it felt so, genuine.

In my current situation I can't perform a summoning ritual. I want to improve my meditation skills to hopefully make better connection with this spirit and understand what it came for. If someone is interested, i can make a thread with monthly updates and general "rookie discussion"
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Re: New rookie

Post by tc119 »

Hello Roperos. Welcome. That instantaneous arousal you mentioned sounds like a succubus spirit. You also said that you felt "his/hers" gratitude. Still not sure about the gender? Not that it really matters too much on their side of things, in my opinion. It seems that they can adapt to whatever your preferences are, though some come across more strongly as female dominant or male dominant. Either way, start up a thread in general if you'd like.

My apologies for the obtuse registration process with the security question and admin activation. We've been getting pelted with bot traffic and I'm doing my best to mitigate that.
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Re: New rookie

Post by roperos »

I'm heterosexual, so most likely it's she. There are many things I want to ask when our contact will be regular. Even few yes/no questions will help a lot to understand this situation.

Registration wasn't that hard. If someone really wants to, then for sure will find an answer.
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Re: New rookie

Post by Fightersword »

A summoning ritual certainly shouldn't be necessary in this case. Doing your best to continue interacting with the spirit is probably the golden path forward here. Put in the effort and you're likely to continue getting more in return, and over time it often gets easier.

It's probably worth learning to communicate with the spirit more directly as time goes on and to find times to consistently interact with them daily or near daily, as starting points (Doesn't have to be that long unless you want to, 30 minutes is plenty if you're consistent). Normal day-to-day interaction will become more constant and easier if you get to the stage where communication is regular and relatively easy, which should ease the burden of daily meditation and interaction periods at some point in the future.
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Re: New rookie

Post by roperos »

Thank you for your feedback and reassuring words.

I'm trying to be avaiable for her everyday. Indeed some days are better than the others, but I understand that there's still a long road ahead of me.
Quick word on my meditation sessions. They're not always 30 minutes. I try to go with the flow, if I feel that I can't focus and keep my mind quiet I just call it a day.

I would love to try 3 am meditation during a full moon. Get some nice scented candle and wait for her. Not a letter method. Just to create a cozy atmosphere for us. I know that there's a full moon in 2 days, but I will wait till august if not later. I want to be a bit more confident in my skills of quieting myself and to stay for a bit longer in this peaceful state.

I'm aware of the "joy of satan" resources and I'm following some basic meditations from there. Gosh there are so many things to check out / read about.
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Re: New rookie

Post by Fightersword »

If they work for you they work for you, though I've not reviewed them and have historically found JoS to be rather... cringe. At least in my experience with them, anyway. Meditations are useful, but your real golden goal right now is to develop a system of consistent communication. In the short term this often utilizes tools, but in the long term some system of telepathy is probably what you'll be aiming for. Read this to understand more about what it is. The other blogpost linked in the body of this one has an easy to utilize practice to help one develop the skill, but I find that understanding what it is is more than half the battle:

I think you should go through with that sooner rather than later. Don't wait to arrive at some skill interval where you feel worthy or like you'll get more out of something like that; if you want to try that meditation, then try it in two days. I find that excuses that revolve around a self-evaluation of readiness and skill tend to lead to procrastination if anything. Fact of the matter is that if it doesn't go well, you'll just be down some candle fuel and a little time. It's ultimately up to you, but failing at a meditation means basically nothing in the grand scheme, and trying it will get you ready to do it right faster than anything.
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Re: New rookie

Post by roperos »

I'm back with an update
After reading the blog post "The early stages" I decided to give it a try last night. It was a full moon after all. It was my best chance.

I tried twice. First during my regular session. There wasn't much. The only noteworthy thing is that at one point, when I was concentrating on the thought of being touched, I felt something pointy move up my thigh. It felt quite dull, like a long nail being pushed into my leg.

The second session was at 3am. I'm glad I did it. Now I know that there are a few things on my side that I need to adjust if I want these sessions to be as effective as possible.
I sat down and began to meditate. At first there was nothing. I calmed down and concentrated on being touched. That's when things got... weird.

I focused on an image of a finger moving across my cheek. Gently pressing and so on. After a moment I got a response, not a pleasant one... There was something on my cheek, but it felt like an ant moving in circles under my skin. It wasn't painful, just very unpleasant. I tried to move it, but it stayed there. I tried to focus but it felt so bad that I distracted myself and the feeling went away. I collected myself and asked to be touched on my thigh like earlier. A few moments later the same feeling of something under my skin was back. I panicked a bit and this feeling went away. I wasn't able to again calm down my mind, so I decided to call and I went back to sleep.

This will probably be the last update from me for a while. Unless something interesting happens. I will continue to meditate and make contact with her. There's still a long way before I will know her name, but I will let you know once I figure it out.
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Re: New rookie

Post by 369 Riddle »

Hi and welcome,

Don’t feel bad with progress being less than desired-I have been at this long enough to know feeling frustrated doesn’t get me anyplace with my succubus.

A lot of good advice above but I will share two things I found help me:
#1 Journal. I tried paper journal because of the organic feel but then it is like privacy can be an issue (married with kids here). So I actually have a PW protected App called lol “Journal” on my iPhone that I love and use.

#2 Meditation can be nude and under a cover. I don’t know why and perhaps someone else does-but this makes my succubus go crazy.
“I am not in the dark-do not look for me there for what you will find shall be what you expect and it shall not be me.”-K
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Re: New rookie

Post by roperos »

Hello :wave:
I already have a dream journal. It's quite useful and there is actually a difference in the amount of lewd dreams I have.
There's also a change in the way they go... Usually it would be me and a girl getting it on, but neither one makes the actual move. Last week I had a dream where it just happened. Me and a girl just got together and had a really short and intense intercourse.
It could be coincidence, or I never paid attention. But I think women I meet in my dreams are kinder and more genuine. I'm trying to write down as much as I can to find some change over time.

On the subject of clothes and meditation.... I can't meditate lying down because I fall asleep, maybe I should try it at the weekend when I'm well rested.

I'm not frustrated with the rate of progress. These are the first interactions with the supernatural in my life. I'm happy that it's happening and that it's slowly increasing over time.
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Re: New rookie

Post by roperos »

3k character wall of text below, sorryyyyyyyyyy

I want to make a small update, because some things happened...

First, some context. Last saturday I caught a flu and it took me few days to recover. Got a sick leave, so i decided to use this week for some late night meditation.
It was my first meditation in almost a week. It felt like she missed me. Almost instantly after I sat down and calmed down I felt scratches and bites on my neck. Later I asked to touch me and I got almost instant response. It was just some tingling, but it was repetable and almost spot on. Second night was back to normal, but I kinda expected it. I wasn't able to get such a high success rate. Didn't thought much about it.

Third night was, strange. It all started at the end of my session. Earlier I asked her to touch me few times, with barely any result. As I kept trying I felt a sharp pain in my sack. So sharp it completely threw me off the calm state. Right after regaining composure I heard something moving around my room. I got an instant mental image of a cat. Sound and timing wise it sounded like a cat. I decided to call it a day and I went to bed, but... she wasn't finished.
I began to hear something. A very faint and quiet speach. Something like a breathless whisper, so quiet I couldn't make out any words. The only clearly audible parts I heard were few lip smacks and what sounded like grinding teeth. The kind of you make when you want to barely open your mouth while talking and your teeth rub against each other. No idea for how long it lasted, but it wasn't long. Few minutes max.

Last night was also weird. I decided to just meditate, no touching business. Just focus on myself to regain some confidence after what happened on the third night.
Of course something happened.
I was absolutely chilling, happy with myself, at ease and such. Until a through appeared in my mind. It was in english. Which was unusual on it's own, as I keep all communications with her in my language. It said "Please, Kill me."I'm quite sure it's not something I thought myself to "spice things up". No matter how much I tried, i couldn't get rid of it. Not more than a minute passed and i heard a click in my room.
I snapped back to reality and decided to not test my luck. My heart was pounding just from those 2 small things. I don't know what was the source of that noise. It came from where my desk is, so it could be one of few plastic bottles I had there. Or something in my PC, or anything. I really didn't felt like going back that night.

I don't remember many details from my last 2 dreams. They were neutral, nothing stood out or expanded on what I described above.

From today my sessions are back to earlier hour, so I assume they won't be so intense. I have to admit, if stuff like this will continue, I might drop this thing completely. Sorry, but I'm just afraid of this. I will try to clearly communicate to her that I'm uncomfortable with her advances. Not sure how, but I need to let her know.
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