Signs of an incubus?

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Signs of an incubus?

Post by AGS »

Hello all, again, I figured I should make this discussion post instead of continuing to respond in my introduction forum.

I apologize in advance as I tend to ‘ramble’.

I did a summoning last Wednesday, I’m like 99.99% sure I’m not delusional or going crazy, especially after my ‘experiences’ today. Still, call it denial, I figured I’d ask other people’s opinion if I have connected with an incubus or not and if he has decided to choose me as well. Without giving all the details I’ll go with this list;

- I’ve had auditory clairvoyant moments this past week (which is not something new to me), I’ve literally had a man say my name ‘A’ three times, someone I’ve never heard before. To note, I was wearing headphones and listening to music twice when the ‘voice’ startled me by saying my name loudly, but when I looked no one was there. The other time I heard it I was alone in my house, and wasn’t listening to anything, just spending time with my rabbits.

-I had an OBE that I can only (and will for now) describe as being seemingly two places at once, one felt like I was falling from a Ferris wheel into something unknown. I wasn’t scared, didn’t feel threatened, just surprised.

-I’ve felt ‘touches not touches’ if that makes sense, like someone stroking my back or my hair. Nothing threatening, just comforting.

-Recently, specific songs have started playing on my playlist or ‘repeating’ without me having anything on repeat.

-I’ve felt more compelled to get my day started at 7am, to get things done…I’m not a morning person, I typically sleep into 10-11am, and…I have chronic illnesses that leave me crippling fatigued (I feel like this is important information for context), I haven’t had ‘get up and energy’ unless I’m been on prescribed steroids and that only lasts for the time I take it until I sorta quickly having that fatigue beat me up again.

-This morning, I got up and go energy at 6am, but something told me to go back to sleep at 7am until 10am. I had this strange pounding in my head, that felt more like someone massaging my brain than a headache, and when I ‘slept’ I was lucid after a while by what I perceived as an incubus stepping into my sacred inner space. It…wasn’t a dream, more like…an introspect and look at my soul, if that makes sense? (I’m trying not to give everything out that happened as it’s personal.)

Lastly, the part I was seriously lucid about, a Tsunami came and ‘consumed’ everything in sight like this strange calming source. When I woke up and thought about the experience, let myself feel what transpired, I can only describe it as it felt like two souls blending together, which is why I’m like mostly certain he accepted me and bond to me?

Still, I suppose as a human I’m skeptical even if I don’t want to be, which is why I’m seeking others more experienced advice.
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by Jay »

I don't think you're going crazy.

I think spirits have windows in which they operate best. And they may encourage you to adjust your sleep patterns to accommodate that. Not necessarily sleep, as much as windows between awake and sleep. It's not always the exact same time. But if they want you to get up early then it could mean that they want you to be soundly asleep at 3:00 a.m. etc.

I try not to analyze too much because it is too speculative or metaphoric. From my own POV if you think you have an incubus you probably do, just based on what you've described, plus based on an idea that people with some degree of interest / obsession probably have one in the background.

The light touches in particular are a Hallmark for me anyway.
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by AGS »

Jay wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:06 am I don't think you're going crazy.

I think spirits have windows in which they operate best. And they may encourage you to adjust your sleep patterns to accommodate that. Not necessarily sleep, as much as windows between awake and sleep. It's not always the exact same time. But if they want you to get up early then it could mean that they want you to be soundly asleep at 3:00 a.m. etc.

I try not to analyze too much because it is too speculative or metaphoric. From my own POV if you think you have an incubus you probably do, just based on what you've described, plus based on an idea that people with some degree of interest / obsession probably have one in the background.

The light touches in particular are a Hallmark for me anyway.

I can see all of this. The not being a morning person and shifting after I’ve tried for years was definitely different.

Not an area I’m strongly familiar with, this is all new to me even if I’ve researched it for a while. I do feel better having someone else’s perspective that’s been through similar.

Though I’m now curious on how better to connect/bond? So far I’ve been dabbling in just meditating with no expectation of doing anything but asking the spirit to join, talking in my head to him, I wrote a note for him…I know I’ve read some where people had experiences quickly that were sexual, and I’m more experiencing like…only way I can describe it is as someone worried about ‘going too far too fast’. I’m under the assumption it’ll just take time for the incubus and I to bond properly, I kinda feel like it’s just ‘his’ personality in a way.

I could get further into it and not sure if im explaining it properly for the situation. Just any advice helps. I’ve not seen many stories of incubus in the fondest light, and the only ones I see are from mythology…definitely more stories now about succubus spirits and their kind nature, just seems like the masculine equivalent gets let’s positive exposure…just kinda bothered me and makes me wonder if the reason (I’ll reference him as Ó from now on) Ó seems reluctant is because of this hostility that orthodox religion has spun on human sexuality, female sexuality in particular, and incubi?
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by Fightersword »

AGS wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:36 pm
- I’ve had auditory clairvoyant moments this past week (which is not something new to me), I’ve literally had a man say my name ‘A’ three times, someone I’ve never heard before. To note, I was wearing headphones and listening to music twice when the ‘voice’ startled me by saying my name loudly, but when I looked no one was there. The other time I heard it I was alone in my house, and wasn’t listening to anything, just spending time with my rabbits.

-I’ve felt ‘touches not touches’ if that makes sense, like someone stroking my back or my hair. Nothing threatening, just comforting.

-This morning, I got up and go energy at 6am, but something told me to go back to sleep at 7am until 10am. I had this strange pounding in my head, that felt more like someone massaging my brain than a headache, and when I ‘slept’ I was lucid after a while by what I perceived as an incubus stepping into my sacred inner space. It…wasn’t a dream, more like…an introspect and look at my soul, if that makes sense? (I’m trying not to give everything out that happened as it’s personal.)

Lastly, the part I was seriously lucid about, a Tsunami came and ‘consumed’ everything in sight like this strange calming source. When I woke up and thought about the experience, let myself feel what transpired, I can only describe it as it felt like two souls blending together, which is why I’m like mostly certain he accepted me and bond to me?
These are the most likely to be related methinks, at least going by my and others' experiences. It's not impossible for the others to carry some relation, but I'd simply go with these for the time being rather than risk over-applying things to a potential spiritual source. Of these the first is the one I'd meet with the most skepticism because it could be related to some relaxed or in-between mental state you were reaching at the time. But I'm not you so I don't know if that skepticism applies or not.
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by AGS »

I appreciate it Fightersword, this is a whole different type of experience I’m unfamiliar with, and happy to find a community I can ask questions. Honestly the auditory things I’m not entirely sure of, more because it’s been a long time since I experienced them.

Is there any sort of advice you or anyone else can give on how to better connect or communicate with one? To make them feel more comfortable?
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by roperos »

AGS wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:22 am
Though I’m now curious on how better to connect/bond? So far I’ve been dabbling in just meditating with no expectation of doing anything but asking the spirit to join, talking in my head to him, I wrote a note for him…I know I’ve read some where people had experiences quickly that were sexual, and I’m more experiencing like…only way I can describe it is as someone worried about ‘going too far too fast’. I’m under the assumption it’ll just take time for the incubus and I to bond properly, I kinda feel like it’s just ‘his’ personality in a way.
I think this can help
I don't think you should worry about lack of the "honeymoon period". Some people (me included) just don't have it. I understand that it can make you doubt if there's anything at all. Stick around, keep reaching out and he will come.

Trying to rationalize here for a moment. Maybe your energy in the morning comes from improved sleep quality. If you meditate before going to sleep it can give your body some time to properly wind down and get ready for bed.
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Re: Signs of an incubus?

Post by AGS »

Thank you roperos, I’ve read it and think this is good for me to go back to the basics of spirit communication and meditation. Been a while since I’ve done it and won’t hurt for this so I truly appreciate it and Fightersword for having written it in the first place.

I’d agree with the meditation before sleep relaxing me and giving me energy except I’ve had crippling anxiety the past few weeks (almost a month truly) while trying to sleep, like full blown panic attacks. I tend to have nightmares/night terrors and flashbacks at night…it’s only been super recently that…something has ‘calmed me down’ without me taking any medication to the point I can drift to sleep… and I wasn’t going to honestly share any of this experience of the summoning that makes me believe something is here, but any time I’ve started to have any nightmare or night terror, something has shifted in them to make it more positive and less frightening and I haven’t felt like I’ve been facing it alone. That’s been truly wild for me, as I’ve never had spirits do that before, and I can say the only thing that’s changed is the summoning in my life…so I’ll leave that as that is as I’m still trying to wrap my 32 year old brain around it 🤦 Just feels super embarrassing talking about my PTSD.
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