Possibly a succubus?

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Possibly a succubus?

Post by Merritt »

So here is my experience thus far. About three weeks ago, I woke up at 3:20 AM. I felt an incredible urge to get up and have a piss. A moment later, I found myself experiencing a pleasure that I am still unable to describe adequately. The best description of come up with so far isthat it felt like something warm and wet was swirling around my… member. At first, I thought my wife had woken up for some late night hanky-panky, which does happen occasionally. Much to my surprise, when I opened my eyes I did not see her there. I turned my head and saw that she was in fact, sound asleep. Then, I hit a climax the likes of which I’ve never experienced before. The peak of this climax seemed to go on forever. I don’t know how much time had passed, but I eventually passed out.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt incredible. Like I had woken up in a new body. I typically have intense back pain in the morning due to an injury, but that morning there was no pain at all. I didn’t think much about what I had experienced, more so chalked it up to a wet dream. But then a few nights later, it happened again at roughly the same time. The next verse goes the same as the first. Woke up feeling like I had to piss, only to be brought to an intense orgasm, that didn’t seem to end until I passed out again. And just like before, the next day when I woke up, I felt like a million bucks.

The third time it happened is when my wife witnessed it. Everything pretty much went the same as the first two nights, only this time my wife had apparently been woken up by one of our dogs barking. She had already dealt with the situation and come back to bed, but hadn’t fallen asleep yet when it happened. According to what she told me, I was wiggling and mumbling in my sleep with an erection. Feeling a little frisky, she said she reached under the blanket and grabbed me, but yanked her hand away because she said that it was ice cold. Moments later, I wake up to the intense feeling, but this time when I looked over at my wife, her eyes were wide and she was staring at my crotch. She said that my little guy was angled upward at about a 45° angle from my belly and seemed to be pulsating. Of course, I don’t remember any of that, just going on what she’s told me. The only thing I remember about that particular encounter was looking at my wife and then my eyes rolling back in intense pleasure.

It seems to be happening every other night, always shortly after 3 AM. After doing a lot of searching for a rational reason that this is happening, alas I find myself here with a completely open mind. In some of the research that we were able to do one of the things that seems to stand out is that there’s never any bodily fluids involved with the orgasms. They are the most intense, incredible feeling orgasms I’ve ever had, but nothing to show for it so to say. My wife was actually the one who suggested that it could be a succubus. I was a little skeptical of this because I hadn’t summoned a succubus, at least not successfully to my knowledge. When I was much younger, probably 12 or 13, I tried to summon a succubus, but nothing ever happened and I never really thought about it another day since then. But of course that was over 20 years ago.

So anyway, that’s what’s been happening to me over the last several weeks. I can’t say that I dislike it, because it’s led to some of the wildest sex that my wife and I have had in years, but I would definitely like to know what the hell is going on.
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by Fightersword »

To answer your question, that is a possibility. Sometimes entities like succubi come to a person for no discernible reason, hence the lack of summoning or any research. It sounds like you're doing your due diligence to determine if it is not something supernatural, and it's worth continuing to do that so that you can figure out what the truth is to a reasonable degree. I'm no doctor so I don't know what else it could be given what you described. Don't be surprised if it stops as suddenly as it started either.

As the situation goes on, make sure you keep things on the up and up with your wife. Right now this random experience has been fine with her, but the addition of the supernatural in any relationship can mess with everyone's heads. Plus, as you've discovered already when she witnessed you in your sleep, she might be aware of some information you don't have initially, making it easier to put the pieces together. Trust is therefore paramount going forward.
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by Merritt »

Fightersword wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:59 pm To answer your question, that is a possibility. Sometimes entities like succubi come to a person for no discernible reason, hence the lack of summoning or any research. It sounds like you're doing your due diligence to determine if it is not something supernatural, and it's worth continuing to do that so that you can figure out what the truth is to a reasonable degree. I'm no doctor so I don't know what else it could be given what you described. Don't be surprised if it stops as suddenly as it started either.

As the situation goes on, make sure you keep things on the up and up with your wife. Right now this random experience has been fine with her, but the addition of the supernatural in any relationship can mess with everyone's heads. Plus, as you've discovered already when she witnessed you in your sleep, she might be aware of some information you don't have initially, making it easier to put the pieces together. Trust is therefore paramount going forward.
Thank you for the insight. I am definitely being completely open with my wife about the whole thing. I’ve asked her how she feels about this, and she doesn’t seem to be jealous or anything like that. She actually seems to be way more intrigued about it. She even said something about going and getting an Ouija board and trying to communicate but I told her I didn’t like the sound of that idea. In a weird way, she seems into it. Either way, if it’s something medical that’s happening, I wouldn’t even begin to know how to describe that to a doctor. In the interim between these encounters, it seems like our sex life is revitalized in a way. We’re doing stuff and trying stuff that we always talked about, but never did. As to what you said about her possibly having information that I don’t, do you think it’s a possibility that my wife has something to do with all of this? Is that even a thing? Summoning a succubus on someone else?
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by Fightersword »

Summoning an entity for someone else isn't impossible theoretically, but the grand lion's share people who offer to do so are charging you money and are scammers. It is a lot more realistic if it would be your wife doing it though. I'm not saying she did or she didn't, but if you're not sure it might be worth talking to her about it. It's not common for women in relationships to be so open to the sudden coming of a sex spirit, summoned intentionally or not, for obvious reasons, which is why I'd at least wonder in that direction. If she desired to spice up your sex life this could be something she actively sook out, though whether she intentionally summoned a succubus or just tried to use general magic from herself or someone else to spice it up is up for debate. I'm not you or your wife though, so these lines of inquiry are something you'd want to consider yourself and ask about with due care. It is interesting that she brought up the idea first and seems suddenly extremely interested in the supernatural though, that does make me lean towards her having some involvement rather than not personally.
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by Merritt »

Interesting, you seem very knowledgeable and I am happy to get good advice and not laughed at. I can say that she is not the jealous type. Full disclosure, before the kids came, we did a good bit of swinging and kind of had an “open relationship”. There were rules, but as long as we were completely honest about everything all was good. It only stopped because it was time for a family. She has always been interested in things like witchcraft and the occult. She did her senior project on Wicca and Paganism. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if she DID have any involvement. I do plan to have a conversation with her, I just don’t know how to ask “Did you have a hand in all this?” in any other fashion than bluntly. If the pattern stays true, tonight should be another encounter. I will definitely be coming back to share if it does. Thank you again for all your knowledge and insight into this, it is much appreciated.
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by tc119 »

Hey Merritt. Welcome to the forum. You mentioned trying to summon at 12 or 13 years old. I've seen other cases where an entity will stick around in the background for years, even decades, before they make a move. Maybe back then wasn't the right time for her? Either way, your wife being open and not jealous probably helps bring this about. Other married men I've spoken with who have succubi are usually more inconspicuous and their supernatural encounters stay very much hidden.

The writhing around in pleasure, full-body orgasms, your dick moving of it's own volition, no regular ejaculate at climax - sounds like the succubi I know and love. :D I don't have a second-hand witness, because I'd frankly never share such a thing, but I've recorded my succubus moving my penis around on video in ways that defy gravity or muscle manipulation on my part. I was also flaccid. So what your wife saw is within the realms of what I've experienced. They often love to squeeze a man's testicles and this manipulation can also be recorded. Pretty damn good evidence for the paranormal, huh? But conveniently, something the vast majority of people would never share and I suspect the succubi select for this in order to keep a low profile. At least it's good enough confirmation for me so that I know I'm not completely bonkers and it's not all in my head.

Please continue to share more as this develops. I hope that all three of you can fully enjoy this experience and it sounds like you already have. :thumbsup:
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by Merritt »

Hi there! Thank you for the reply. I had a conversation with my wife last night, she swears that she’s done nothing, and I’m inclined to believe her. Since she has a little more knowledge of the occult than I do, I asked her what she knew about succubi and things of the sort. When I mentioned to her, my attempt at summoning a succubus when I was younger, she kind of said the same thing that you posted, that either I wasn’t ready, or she wasn’t ready, or that she was simply waiting for the right time.

In going back and trying to remember if there was anything else in my lifetime that seemed weird that I found a rational explanation for, I brought up a reoccurring name. Vespa. From the time I was a teenager even up until today, every so often I will have a dream with a character named Vespa, the name has always been lingering throughout my life. It’s never the same dream, it’s always something different, but it will always be a very vivid dream. I had a hamster that I named Vespa, I wanted to name my daughter Vespa, and it was even the original name for the company I cofounded. Needless to say, it has come to me as kind of a shock that my wife is so interested in this and seems to be excited by it. She did say that if it is in fact, a succubus, that she hopes that she is open to sharing, and making her part of everything. Since I have made a post on here, I’ve been kind of going through an emotional roller coaster. I went into this legitimately, trying to find a rational reason and not something paranormal, but all roads seem to lead me back to the paranormal. I don’t know what I should do. There was no visit last night like I had expected. I did tell my wife that I had found this community and that I was seeking advice/information.
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Re: Possibly a succubus?

Post by roperos »

Hello there :D
I gotta admit, physical descriptions sound like you got yourself a spirit lover.

I wouldn't worry about lack of consistency in her visits. Now that you and your surrounding is on high alert, she might step it down a little. It would be best to just ask her. Sit down, meditate and see where it takes you. Maybe she "skipped a beat" because she wants you alone. If you were to meditate, i would suggest you do it alone. Like, just you in a different room alone. With no one looking over your shoulder etc. So you can easily catch any activity like feeling of being watched, her presence your room or feeling of closeness. Not every question can be answered in a single night, so maybe meditate alone every other night, to not strain your other late night responsibilities.
I have a mixed feeling if your wife should be involved in it. She knows about it and I feel like that's all she should do in this situation. She seem more excited than you're. I don't want you to end up in a situation where SHE tries to take a lead in an effort to contact YOUR spirit lover. Let her know when something significant happens, but also think about giving this subject a bit of privacy. There's no need for her to know every single thing to the smallest detail.

I had a random thought about your back. Maybe she appears when your back pain is getting worse ? Can you recall if your back pain was back to normal after few days, or it was just ramping up.
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