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Re: New rookie

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:12 pm
by Fightersword
It seems like you’re having two kinds of interactions of very different natures. The more positive ones (such as from your original post, very warm, very pleasing, good emotions) and these very strange and intensely uncomfortable ones.

My recommendation for now is to start doing this (or a version of this) before you try to interact with the spirit or meditate in general.

See if that fixes the issue. If you don’t like the Abrahamic symbolism just utilize another version. If doing this makes you feel deeply uncomfortable or the symptoms are worse while doing the banishing, then double down and make sure you do finish it powerfully (and immediately share that fact here when you’re done). If you can’t then *definitely* share that you were unable to. Don’t worry, this won’t push away a genuinely positive spirit lover, but I’m getting the idea that there’s something else that’s taking advantage of your newness. There’s a good chance that that something else is intentionally coming between the original presence and you as well. All part of the tactic.

Oh, and I don’t know if you’re still reading them, but this to me is just another sign to stay away from JoS. I’m not saying it’s absolutely related, and I’m not the kind of person to accuse random websites of intentionally cursing you or sending bad spirits towards you on purpose or any such nonsense, but their practices or focusing on their content might be the kind of thing that is attracting this sort of entity. Doesn’t help that new people often get sucked in to them.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:13 pm
by roperos
Ow my, that's... extensive
thanks a lot. I will try to memorise it and then try it before my next meditation. I don't mind the symbolism. I just need to make sure I can focus enough to maintain the mental image of everything.

I stopped reading JoS a while ago. I guess I still do something that's described there. but cmon... It's just a breathing and counting seconds between inhale-hold-exhale. It's a first step from "Satanic void meditation". I don't do any chants / mantras from there. I gave up the pursuit of that "feeling of falling" because I want to focus on establishing contact with her, not sitting silently in my room and waiting till I end up with a sensory depravation.

I had no idea I'm such a hot stuff to accidentally attract two spirits :onfire:
From what I undestrood so far,you perform LBRP to remove unwanted spirits. I guess if I will fail I will make this evil spirit really pissed and it will let me know about it.
I'll be away for the second half of the week. I will try to perform the LBRP and report back if the situation escalates.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:38 pm
by Fightersword
Well, this other one seems to have been 'attracted' for nefarious reasons. I have a blogpost about parasitic entities on my blog that kind of goes into the rationale about why they prey on whom. Generally many individuals working with spirits will have to deal with this sort of thing on occasion. It sounds like that's likely the case here, and it's going to be very difficult to connect with the positive entity if this entity keeps preying on you. Normally this sort of parasite is a very temporary problem if you do begin to Banish, so hopefully you'll be back on track soon (and you'll have the tool in your arsenal for future issues or other uses).

Re: New rookie

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:52 am
by tc119
Hey Roperos,

Sorry to hear that you got sick. Bare in mind that your illness might have had a part to play in generating that negative phenomena, similar to how eating pizza late at night can induce nightmares. Our physiology is closely linked to our mental/psychological state, so be sure to take that into account before going nuclear with exorcisms. Though the LBRP is just standard ritual magick aura and personal space cleansing, so no harm in doing that.

I'm not one of those occultists who will frantically disavow Joy of Satan. I've had many productive conversations with some of their leaders over the years, and though we disagree on a lot, they're one of the scant-few websites that speak positively about the succubus phenomena online. They're also one of the few places that offers a practical roadmap towards opening up non-physical senses and developing a meditation practice. I personally don't use it, as I've gone down Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics and New Energy Ways route for my own personal development. I believe that anyone who finds the links to JoS on my site also has the maturity to not instantly be converted into Esoteric Hitlerism. :clown: We're adults here after all. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:51 am
by Fightersword
I would be able to accept that were it a one off, but his experiences have been a variety ranging from positive and smaller interactions to these uncomfortable and typically larger ones. As this continues to happen more and more we can hardly blame the sickness, not to mention the initial negative experience happened before he was sick. There’s a pattern here that’s unrelated to sickness imo. But anyway I suppose this disagreement doesn’t matter so much because if you’re right it shall solve itself LBRP or not.

Joy of Satan supports succubus summoning (not so much spirit lovers at large, but their version of succubus summoning, at least imo) because it’s convenient. They also believe that doing this sort of thing will inevitably bring the person round to their way of thinking (which is why they keep trying with you in the first place). Sex sells, after all. As for the other stuff, just because they steal basic practices from other groups and re-present them with their brand of bullshit a few paragraphs down doesn’t mean we should simply ignore the various harmful things they do support, and assume the reader isn’t going to read into that. After all, If it didn’t work on people they wouldn’t exist, and this break-you-in with sensible material tactic isn’t uncommon among cults. Hell, you were a part of a cult so you can certainly see that. Just because we know most people are intelligent and mature enough not to be pulled in doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make an effort for those who are won over (and being sucked into a cult often has little to do with intelligence to be frank).

Re: New rookie

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:33 am
by roperos
Hello everyone, I'm back and still alive.

Before I go into details.
tc119, I considered my health before mentioning those bad experiences. If those 2 unpleasant nights happened right after I returned to meditation, i would just blame it on my illness and try again in few more days . The fact that they happened after 2 good nights was a main trigger for me to post about it.

I think I managed to banish this evil spirit. I performed the ritual twice and each time meditation after it went smoothly. Yesterday (after 2nd banishing) i asked her to touch me and I felt what pretty much felt like a human touch. Warm, area of a fingertip with small pressure as if she's pressing against my skin. There were also few small tingles here and there, but this finger press is something new.

As I said earlier, I'm unfortunately out for the rest of the week. If something unsettling happens to me I will post about it. Thanks for the guidance on how to handle this issue.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:24 am
by tc119
That's good to hear, Roperos. Keep us posted! :greenthumbsup:

Re: New rookie

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:09 pm
by Fightersword
Keep consistent with the banishing, at least for a while. Opportunistic parasites sometimes resurface if you start slacking. You generally won’t have to do it forever (though some people like the other things that the banishing offers and do do it consistently) but for now (at least the next few weeks) it’s good practice.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:20 pm
by roperos
Hello there. It's been a while.It feels like I owe you an update.

It's... good ? I was out from the loop for almost a week, but since I came back, almost nothing worrying happen. I had a disturbing dream right after first (third in general) banishing. It was about handing a death of a family member. There was no gore, no hanging bodies kind of business. Just handling the paperwork and being on that "last ride". Next night also had me a little worked up. During meditation I felt a strong presence in my room. No idea what it was. I got on high alarm almost the moment I noticed it and it instantly went away.

Now, to the good part.
I think that she's doing her magic on me. Since I started the banishings every night I get erect while meditating. Rate of success varies. Most of the time it's partial, only once so far it went fully on. I already tried to rationalize it :P
I'm not on any kind of nofap / semen retention. It instantly goes away the moment I try to adjust it or my shorts. Any sort of physical attention stops it and it doesn't return that night. I don't feel anything, any pulls, any suction or wetness. Which still leaves small room for "it could be a coinsidence and it's just you relaxing". I'm hopeful that soon enough I will feel something that will be a hard (hehe) proof.
I tried few times to wait out till late at night, but usually it lead to small or no such interaction at all. It's random, but I can't get her to regurally touch me yet, so i can imagine that many stars have to align for me to experience something blissful.

It also raised a question, maybe a bit silly one:
should I... assist her with it ? Wait for her to get me going and then just rub one out while focusing my intentions on her ? It sounds absurd to me, but maybe someone from here heard about such practice. Or maybe I should just give it more time and wait for that bliss to come on its own.

I will continue with banishings till the end of the month. From there we will see.

Re: New rookie

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:23 am
by Fightersword
You can errm, finish the job if you want. Probably best to stay focused on them if you decide to do so, rather than utilizing material or other memories. It’s probably better to ensure they have plenty of time to work their magic without you getting involved, but if you’ve given them that then I at least don’t think finishing it off yourself is bad. I think she should be given ample time at this stage so you can maximize your possible interactions at least to quell any doubt you’ve got.

The alternative or simply never doing so is also fine. You will probably end up quite the horny bastard in short order if you never relieve yourself though.