Would you rather join source/ascend or become an Incubus?

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Re: Would you rather join source/ascend or become an Incubus?

Post by Essence »

Jay wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:56 am It's like asking if it's better for the rain to join the river or a lake. The destiny of water will remain unalterable.

My theory has always been that if there is anything like a soul, it's like a jar that shatters upon death and the pieces go where they may, in different directions. Like air rises and water sinks. To think of the self as one being, likely too simple. Different energies and affinities will go to their respective domains. If spiritual beings have many aspects, so do we.

I don't believe humans have the maturity level to understand the nuances. Or rather, the more they think, the further away they get from the state in which they can understand the truth.

As far as what the spirit-entity really wants in its endgame... Well that's the million dollar question. I tend to think positioning (like as an attractive option), but also the portion of you that worships them, probably goes to them.
Thats an excellent summary that feels really apt - and is very thought provoking. It may well be the case after all (Ive deliberated about this since my experience), that succubi are in fact actually daughters of Lilith, avatars of the greater whole. Individualised drops of the ocean that is her being. Lol, or maybe not. Maybe theyre all simply individual astral beings who share the same traits.

I agree with you that we - as humans - arent well equipped to begin to understand other realms: being rooted firmly in the physical (psychic phenomena notwithstanding), we just cant plum the true depths (or heights) of other seas. That saddens me, quite frankly. And imo - I dont think the Abrahamic religions have done anything productive whatsover in helping us broaden our understanding of unseen worlds: quite the reverse in fact. This angers me, frequently tbh, too. Especially if youre from a western background, you cant help but be influenced by such limitations - no matter where you are heading to, you're always coming from the same (incomplete and skewed) worldview - even if you dont agree with it, its in your make-up to some degree or other.
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Re: Would you rather join source/ascend or become an Incubus?

Post by Essence »

Not really answering your opening question but...

Ive just started reading the (huge) pdf of 'The Phase' from Remspace (https://remspace.net/files/the_phase.pdf). This single sentence in the foreword is very interesting to me:

"I believe that everybody is going to exist in two worlds

The last seven years have been absurd (in a good way) regarding mainstream discussion of 'paranormal' phenomena. Im repeatedly hearing several mainstream scientists soberly discussing both theory and active study on consciousness and different dimensions. We've been told that government projects were funded millions of $$$ to study such phenomena. High strangeness events both in the field of Ufology and (ummm) Bigfootology (?) have been able more and more to be aired, with less and less stigma, which is great (and its also pushed most (granted, not all) new-age wackadoodles off the board along with a lot of snake-oil salesmen to boot. The only crossover that hasnt yet been occurring - except for the old 'aliens are demonic' line from fundamental christian embedded in the Pentagon - is with the occult community, which has been dealing with unseen worlds and realms and the 'ecology' of them for millenia.

I'd like to think that we could, as Remspace says - live in two worlds. Maybe we might begin to see - within our lifetime - more and more people truly working on astral projection, in the same way as the plant medicine community has exploded with so many psychonauts over the past 20 years. Sure, there have always been individuals, pioneers (Terence McKenna is a good example) in all the above since the 60s - but maybe we'll soon see a critical mass emerge.

I dunno. These things are NOT new. Why hasnt this already happened? Is there simply something about our vessels, our containers - our pudgy lil meat-sacks that limits us. We're monkeys with smartphones right now, but homo sapiens have existed in the their current physical state for... 300,000 years (possibly more if you look at fringe archaeology). Surely we'd have all sublimed into the ether by now if that was an inevitable direction for our evolution?

Nope, I think the cycle of life serves a very good and real purpose. Just dont ask me what the fuck it is. Far more intelligent folk than I (usually dudes in togas) have been hammering at that question for years.

I love the notion of being able to Bigfoot my way through and portal into a different realm, into whatever plane succubi exist on, just as easily as walking into another room. But ultimately my home is here. My anchor is my body, and its niche is to exist on this physical level. I might learn - and hope to become adept - at hopscotching between this ole place and somewhere else (maybe several 'somewhere-elses').

I'd love to meet these spirits on their own turf and tundra. But if I 'went native'... would I still be as an appealing a companion for them once Ive crossed over? Who knows.

Not sure if Daemonhood is possible.
Emmanuel Swedenborg (I promise you I havnt made that name up) believed that ALL angels were once mortal.
The prophet Enoch was elevated by god and became the angel Metatron.

I am beginning to suspect that I may have always had a companion with me, way before being aware of such things. Maybe we've been together before. For me thats actually not just a romantic notion, but it starting to turn into an understanding (its not fully formed in my senses yet though). If thats the case though - IF - then my being human is possibly just a temporary or occasional thing. Maybe we take turns. Maybe I need this/these incarnations, these cycles of birth and rebirth to grow. Maybe she's always been my mentor. And therefore maybe these interludes in the flesh are just that, holidays or training seminars away from spiritual realms. What existence I might have when not encumbered by an earthly existence is beyond my imagination.
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