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Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:07 am
by Essence
Had a dream last night that starred a friends daughter in law, visiting at the moment from Hungary.
I want to put a disclaimer up first of all - the girl in question is pretty, but not really my type - havnt been thinking of her in any way, most definitely not in a sexual way, even though we get along to talk to.

TMI warning!

In the dream I was for some reason in the room where she was sleeping, and she immediately started coming on to me. She was talking in a manner that was utterly unlike her, tbh - theres no other way of putting it: pretty much 'demonically" (I suppose if you wanted to take a Hollywood depiction of it). Cant remember now exactly (really need to start keeping a journal), but she very clearly told me what she wanted in very forward ways, her eyes were dark and filled with lust, her mannerism aggressive and feral.

I did nothing to resist and immediately began tearing her clothes off and groping her, which she reveled in, and I immediately took her, from behind, in the backdoor. I cant remember ever have such feral and aggressive, nasty sex in a dream before. Everything felt incredibly real, the feel of her skin, even her smell.
I woke up before finishing.

(Have been on a "nafap-whatsoever" discipline now for (merely) a week, lol, and this is what it does to me?)

Ive also started putting out the intention calling a succubus and chanting Lilith's enn when out walking and before going to sleep.

Previous experience was almost always a waking experience. But thats not going on at the moment.
Could have been something making its presence felt. Or maybe its just my own libido.

Thoughts? Just record and observe at the moment, I suppose.

I had the opportunity to go over to my friends house too, today. So I had the chance to see if it had actually been a literall astral contact with the person herself, but I definitely didnt get any hint at all that it had been a mutual meeting.

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:58 pm
by tc119
I've found that they'll manifest during dreams as all sorts of people in our waking lives - like they're trying on different clothes to see our reactions. Sometimes this will lead to awkward situations during said dream, but I don't think they mean any ill will by it. My Catherine enjoys doing it, too.

Having an intensely sexual dream with one of these characters is probably a good indicator that your succubus is involved. Also, the fact that she didn't let you "finish," or have a wet dream, is a big tell. They try to keep the fun going as long as possible. Encourage her to lie down with you while still awake, just before sleep. They oftentimes test the waters through dreams first before attempting full-blown manifestation while awake.

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:34 pm
by Essence
Thanks - I'll try that.

I did learn one lesson though - repeated often by yourself and many others: rule number #1 of succubus club is... you do NOT talk about succubus club! I tried talking to a trusted friend about it, but he couldnt get the notion out of his head that it was just self-projection of some sort. Im glad that Ive had previous experiences, otherwise this would have clouded my mind. Im in no doubt that this was "contact".

Little tips like the one you shared might seem insignificant, but its just these sort of things that can build to bigger things. It takes conscious effort to engage like this, but I believe it helps.

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:38 am
by tc119
There's a strong urge to tell other people about a genuine succubus encounter at the beginning of the relationship. A wonderful and amazing thing has just happened, so it's only natural to tell others: such as when we get a great new job or fancy vehicle. However, I'd say that 95% of people are not prepared to even entertain the idea without thinking the experiencer is completely bonkers or demon possessed. (if religious) And even for the remaining five percent who are open minded enough to consider that reality, there's a good chance that the succubus spirit involved would be highly averse to spilling the beans. People like to blab, so a good trusted friend might let slip to the wrong person.

I told an open-minded friend at work once. He took it well, but Catherine was definitely not pleased. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, a wave of exhaustion came over me, like she was trying to get me to cool my jets. :lol: "Easy, boy. That's a bit too much enthusiasm." Needless to say, my entire life situation changed shortly thereafter and that person has been out of my life since then. There was no falling out; I just quit the job and went back to school for a time, never to return to that state for work again.

From the succubus' perspective, our society is seemingly on the brink of the next great Salem witch trials every other fortnight. :onfire: I think they'd rather us not end up on the receiving end of all that attention. We might seem all liberal and progressive in the Western world right now, but the political/religious situation can potentially change on a dime given the right catalyst.

So yeah, my advice: Stay as anonymous as you can. Tell no one. But if people in your life do find out, it's not the end of the world. Succubi are very good at mitigating these problems. I believe they can influence other people's minds in order to diffuse situations like this and make things more agreeable.

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:49 pm
by roperos
Ow my, that sure was a blunder :D
I tried to imagine how few of my trusted friends would react to such news. My guess is that it would always end on "you're intensively thinking about it, so of course you feel it" aka. projections. Or a worse scenario: "if she's real, make her interact with me". As if she's my pet and I can order her around.

On topic of your no fap streak.
Lewd dreams and their intensity can increase when you're on a no fap. I'm not sure if holding a bigger nut has any effect on this how desirable you're for her. Someone more experienced has to answer that one for us.

I wouldn't worry about the fact that she looked like someone you know. As tc119 said, she's testing the waters and it's way easier when persona used for this test is someone you already know.

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:44 am
by 369 Riddle
If there is a number one rule of the succubi it is: tell no one. I mean that in the strongest sense. I made that mistake at the start of my realization and it was nothing but a mess. Not going into it-just don’t do it. It can be hard to any beginner so anyone reading this just getting into this (today or 10 years from now): make a commitment and stick to it-seriously. What we have here is a special way to share and resonate with others-That is why I love this forum @TC119-thank you man!

I don’t think they fear for themselves at all-only that it makes the human’s life a mess and that doesn’t help either them or us. I do wonder if there is some alternative motive at times-I keep feeling the words “the world isn’t ready.”

I had a quote from a German band (Oomph!) I use (translated): “Cornerstone, cornerstone EVERYTHING must be hidden.”

Re: Dream visits, Lust & Libido

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:18 pm
by Essence
To be fair to my friend - its possible to discuss anything with this person: we've gone deep into dark subjects in the past, so no fear there re. having a bad reaction. But his experience of the woo is limited (as is that of most people too under normal experiences). I certainly wouldnt discuss such things with anyone else.

But - for ... well all the above - and also for other reasons relating to magick:
I've decided to get a tattoo of the letters STFU in a discreet place, specifically to remind myself of the need to just keep my mouth shut, and to remember that keeping my own counsel is quite powerful and valuable.

Lol Im an incredibly open person and chatty person usually: this represents a major challenge but its a good thing for me to develop: especially, specifically when it comes to everything about the occult.