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Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:28 pm
by AGS
I don’t honestly know how to do introductions without being awkward, so here I am!

For all intents and purposes I’ll be AGS on here from the USA. I’m non binary, but I’m a female body and feminine to the point people call me she/her a lot. I don’t care, but I feel more comfortable when I’m referred to as They/Them.

I’ve been a spiritual practitioner for something like 10 years or more. I’ve been solo for roughly 9 or more years, and prefer that than being a part of a coven. I lean more into ancestral and nature magic and shamanic journeys…I also don’t know how to not write a lot (especially when I’m nervous or trying to connect with others so I’m sorry).

I found this website a few days ago, maybe months ago and I’ve been trying the methods used. Before I say more, I’ve been trying (and to my dismay failing) to connect with an incubus spirit to bond with them. I don’t know how else to describe that I’ve felt pulled to do this, like something in the kosmos is calling for me and I finally decided to call back. I found the blog on here, the instructions encouraging, as I grew up similar to the creator of this website in a very Christian upbringing, but I’m at this point I’ve been serious about this, wanting this connection, feeling as though I’ve had the right intentions and done everything right and like it’s now in the incubus’s hands to make the next move. (Also I ramble, hello I’m bad at introductions 👋) I wanted to join the forums to connect with others who have incubus/succubus lovers, to find encouragement and community during this experience while seeking (and no I’m not giving up, I recognize even with good intentions, the right ones, that rituals can fail or be left unanswered, that won’t deter me). So yeah, hello I’m AGS, nice to meet you!

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:14 pm
by Rafe
Hello! Nice to meet you!

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:48 pm
by Fightersword
Hello! I would wonder if you already feel that calling whether or not there is something already present. Especially if you’re having a lack of luck with the ritualism, it might be worth focusing on other approaches that stress sensory abilities and interactions at this stage. At the very least even if that’s not an appropriate answer you’ll be able to carry those skills into the eventual relationship you will have. The shamanic skills should largely be helpful. while their version of spirit spouses was more of a tutelary role overall, there is definite overlap there. I’m not sure how the others may apply, but they certainly shouldn’t hurt.

Anyway, it can take some people a while so don’t feel discouraged. Just hang out, ask questions, and take it easy.

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:39 pm
by AGS
Thank you to both for welcoming me.
Fightersword wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:48 pm Hello! I would wonder if you already feel that calling whether or not there is something already present. Especially if you’re having a lack of luck with the ritualism, it might be worth focusing on other approaches that stress sensory abilities and interactions at this stage. At the very least even if that’s not an appropriate answer you’ll be able to carry those skills into the eventual relationship you will have. The shamanic skills should largely be helpful. while their version of spirit spouses was more of a tutelary role overall, there is definite overlap there. I’m not sure how the others may apply, but they certainly shouldn’t hurt.

Anyway, it can take some people a while so don’t feel discouraged. Just hang out, ask questions, and take it easy.
I’m honestly not sure if anything is here or not, but the only way I can describe the calling as bordering on obsessive or this nagging feeling I should look more into it and try to continue summoning. At one point I felt strongly about going to someone else to see if they could summon one for me, but recently I’ve felt more comfortable just doing it myself (not sure if that entails I have one or not). I’ve also had some odd experiences even for me the last few days that have made me feel like ‘is one here or not?’. I’ve been reading others blogs about their experiences and doing more deep trance meditations/journeys into the astral realms…it’s left me with more questions than a certain ‘I have one’ if that makes sense.

I can say I had a weird experience that’s left me feeling less inclined towards summoning and more inclined on trying to catalog my experiences, thoughts, feelings and doing more deep dive meditations to see if anything is there. I wish I could say for certain I know something is here (and I’m more inclined to think yes) but this is a whole different type of spirit than others I’ve dealt with in the past. I’m also not fully devoted to the shamanic path (I’ve never taken the right), but I do like some of their practices when concerning meditation so far.

I definitely plan on connecting my with everyone here, talking, getting advice, connecting with others both human and not that feel drawn to this more. I have lots of questions in this realm since it isn’t something I’m entirely familiar in (and there is a lot more negatives out there about the male aspect of these spirits than the females from what I’ve seen) If anything maybe my own weird experiences might help others 🤷

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:06 pm
by Fightersword
Yeah, I can’t promise everything I say on the blog or here will accurately apply to specifically more male spirits. I will say that it’s interesting you bring up identity here, specifically because of the gender debate around spirits. For a while people have argued that spirits don’t have gender (even though most of the time the ones we interact clearly present with one). Now they have no bodies so we can’t say they have a sex specifically, but if we argue that gender is an identity we can safely say that spirits have genders. I… don’t really take any side in that debate, I kind of just let people identify with something if they want to.

In any case male spirits (usually people just call them incubi but I can’t say for certain one way or the other) are often more controlling and dominating directly, where something like a female spirit might be manipulative or jealous. I think both of these are expressions of similar feelings, just one side is more masculine and the other more feminine. Naturally the male version tends to be far more noticeably impactful. I shouldn’t undersell how manipulative the female spirits can be too, but because of how they usually approach things the people they’re with are less likely to take notice unless it gets super bad.

In any case while certain things may not apply, methods should apply for communication and summoning. So you’re in the right track, you just have to work on the sensory piece to see if there is a spirit and the communication piece if there is one.

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:52 am
by AGS
Fightersword wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:06 pm Yeah, I can’t promise everything I say on the blog or here will accurately apply to specifically more male spirits. I will say that it’s interesting you bring up identity here, specifically because of the gender debate around spirits. For a while people have argued that spirits don’t have gender (even though most of the time the ones we interact clearly present with one). Now they have no bodies so we can’t say they have a sex specifically, but if we argue that gender is an identity we can safely say that spirits have genders. I… don’t really take any side in that debate, I kind of just let people identify with something if they want to.

In any case male spirits (usually people just call them incubi but I can’t say for certain one way or the other) are often more controlling and dominating directly, where something like a female spirit might be manipulative or jealous. I think both of these are expressions of similar feelings, just one side is more masculine and the other more feminine. Naturally the male version tends to be far more noticeably impactful. I shouldn’t undersell how manipulative the female spirits can be too, but because of how they usually approach things the people they’re with are less likely to take notice unless it gets super bad.

In any case while certain things may not apply, methods should apply for communication and summoning. So you’re in the right track, you just have to work on the sensory piece to see if there is a spirit and the communication piece if there is one.

I suppose gender is a whole topic of itself, but being non binary myself has taught me to look at it a lot differently as I’m still born female and present feminine. I suppose I always just felt spirits of any kind can be similar, born female or male or intersex (not specially one gender) and present whichever sex or become whatever sex they felt more appropriately fit them. I don’t see it nearly as cut and dry as humanity tries to make it (even if we are more accepting to all the new gender identities). By no means am I an expert in this, just my intuition I suppose. I also don’t care what people decide on how they view spirit gender or human gender, assigned sex or identity, as long as it works for them and they are respectful to others.

Yeah, I kinda got the idea the incubi are before even stumbling onto this forum or having others confirm it. Doesn’t scare me. Just the aspect I feel more drawn to than the more feminine/female presenting succubus as it works better for me. Subtle cues have never been my forte.

I’m working on all of it, thank you for the encouragement! I’m fortunate enough to say I’ve worked with a lot of spirits, deities etc over the years hearing, seeing, sensing and working with them that I don’t struggle as much as someone else might with differentiating my own thoughts, feelings and voice from theirs. I still struggle of course, I’m not perfect by any means. Definitely open to discussions since I find the whole thing fascinating (incubi and succubus, the differences and similarities) and maybe me interacting with an incubus can give another perspective to the whole conversation. I’m hopeful at least.

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:51 pm
by roperos
Hello there :wave:
I’m honestly not sure if anything is here or not, but the only way I can describe the calling as bordering on obsessive or this nagging feeling I should look more into it and try to continue summoning
This obsession is a great feeling and to me it's a sign that you're on a right path. Succesful summoning partially depends on your mindset and intentions. If they're genuine, then I'm sure it will work out.
At one point I felt strongly about going to someone else to see if they could summon one for me, but recently I’ve felt more comfortable just doing it myself
I strongly advise against using those "summoning" services. 95% of them are scams that hunt for desperate people and cut all means of communication after getting payed for the "remote ritual"
I’ve also had some odd experiences even for me the last few days that have made me feel like ‘is one here or not?’
Feel free to share as many experiences as you're comfortable with. Maybe more experienced users can figure out something and give you some advice.

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:50 pm
by Fightersword
To add to the above, even if you manage to find the 5% of services that aren’t actively trying to scam you (and the even lower % that could create an appreciable result), given the nature of these relationships it is far more appropriate to reach out and summon yourself than to get a middle-man to do it for you.

Re: Not sure how to say hello but hello!

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 7:43 pm
by Rafe
Once you start to develop a love for these entities after some interaction their traits become a bit softer. Entities need loving too ;) My succubus likes to try to scare me sometimes... at first it was annoying, but after a while I realized she was just wanting attention.

You're in for a big world... succubi and incubi are a class all to themselves... when it comes down to it they really just want a human who can spend time with them and interact with them in their myriad of ways. They're picky but not... they see qualities that are attractive that we don't so that's a plus.