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Succubus only visits me on an annual basis

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:05 am
by masonplj
Hello, all

Last year in early June, I was reading about succubus spirits on Reddit, Google, etc. I looked into different methods to summon a succubus, and the method I used was simply reading about succubus spirits and listening to succubus subliminals on YouTube. Each night, I would pick a video, lie down, and listen for a few minutes, sometimes up to an hour. I repeated the same process for a couple of weeks, then gave up when nothing came of it.

On June 18th, at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m., I was sitting on my bed, browsing the internet. Just a few minutes after lying down in bed, I started to feel intense waves of energy throughout my body. Then, my private area became rock solid, and the head of my private area felt like it was being squeezed. It didn't hurt, it actually felt amazing. Then, i went into a panic, my heart started racing, and i started shaking like i was having a seizure. I felt like I was freezing to death.
I lay there and let it happen for a minute or so. Then, I got out of bed as it was getting more intense by the second. Once I was sitting up, I was still shaking and still felt like I was freezing to death. After that, I hopped in a hot shower for a few minutes to get warm. When I came back to my room, I felt a feminine presence, then I sat down on my bed. Seconds after, I felt her touching my legs. It felt like she was wrapping her body around my legs. It felt really good, hard to describe. A few minutes later, I wanted to know if what was happening wasn't just me hallucinating or imagining it, so I lay down and whispered, "Cuddle." Almost instantly, I felt her move up my feet, legs, and then stopping at my back. I then got up and it stopped. I laid back down, and nothing happened. Then I whispered, "Cuddle" again, and the same thing happened. I repeated it one more time, and it happened again.

After that, I lay there for a few hours. She was in bed with me the whole time. The whole experience was unbelievable. What she made me feel was the best feeling in the world, truly a pleasure that I've only ever felt that one time.
As it got to around 7 a.m. or so, I was watching videos on YouTube of people saying succubus spirits are evil, demonic, and only have bad intentions, etc. I started feeling scared, and that was it. She did not interact with me after that until exactly one year later on June 18th of this year. The same thing happened as with the first visit, but this time I only laid in bed for 20-30 seconds, so she did not manifest and has not interacted with me since.

I don't know why she only visits me on an annual basis. It's like an anniversary of the first visit, which is why I wrote about my experience here, as I think this forum would be the best place to talk about this. Maybe someone on this forum could help. I found a Reddit post from five years ago by this guy who bought a succubus vessel from Creepy Hollows. What happened to him is similar to what happened to me. I'll copy and paste a part of his post below and share the link.

after two minutes my body goes into complete panic mode. My body started shaking uncontrollably as if I was on the verge of freezing to death. I hid under my covers to get warm asap ... 4leu3AdKe3

Re: Succubus only visits me on an annual basis

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:21 am
by tc119
The freezing-to-death symptom is a new one for me. She should still be able to interact with you just fine through any material, so you could bury yourself in comforters next time she shows up. Maybe this is just something you've got to get through for her to fully connect with you? I know that for my first night with Catherine, I let the whole process of the kundalini awakening play out before I moved again. This was in spite of feeling like my heart was beating literally out of my chest. I trusted that she knew what she was doing and let go. (I believe the rapid heart beat is actually the heart chakra energy center being activated, not the physical heart muscle.) So we laid there for two hours until she decided that we had done enough for that night and I went into the shower, where I continued to feel her interact with me and haven't stopped feeling her since that night all these years later. So, if you want this relationship with the spirit, my advice would be to trust her fully and let her bond with you for as long as she needs to. The kundalini sensations only last for the first night or two and then you'll be left with the pressure sensations and interactions from the succubus after that.

Also, hello and welcome. :)

Re: Succubus only visits me on an annual basis

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:27 pm
by roperos
Hello there :clink:
Pretty much as tc said, just let it go. I don't think any amount of clothing is going to help you with those chills, just get comfortable and let it all play out. Don't overthink it, there's time to analize once she's done with you.

Are you doing something to contact her in the remaining 364 days of the year ? Seems like your earlier attempts (reading about succubus and watching subliminals) got her attention. Maybe with some meditation (sitting still and doing nothing is fun I promise) she can reach you on different days, not only in June 18th

Re: Succubus only visits me on an annual basis

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:10 pm
by masonplj
On the second visit, I was lying on my back and I was wearing a oodie. I was lying there for hours with the thought that she could come back since it had been exactly one year since she first visited me. And she did. She came onto me very strong and hard, just like the first visit. The freezing to death feeling was no different from the first visit either. The oodie I was wearing made no difference at all. So yeah, wrapping myself in a oodie and covers won't stop that freezing feeling.

After she first visited me, I did meditations and repeated the same method I used to summon her. I did that for months and I've been doing that here and there after the second visit, but nothing has happened, there have been no interactions, she hasn't returned, and I don't think she'll come back anytime before June 18th next year, Regardless of what I do, I really don't want to wait for her to return next year on June 18th. That's too long, as I feel I'm fully ready to begin a relationship with this succubus spirit. I've tried to reach her, but nothing. What I haven't tried is the popular letter method. So maybe that would work if I were to do that?

Re: Succubus only visits me on an annual basis

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:45 am
by Jay
Sometimes I think the reoccurrences on certain dates or annually is like the mind being an anchor. That memory itself is powerful.

I have had similar issues and sometimes I think it is due to biorythms or something like that. Like me being in the right state exactly when she is in the correct state. The year winds up and the year winds down, and sometimes I feel like that period between June and October is best for whatever reason.

I do think the letter method could work or could help. At the very least you could write your thoughts and feelings about her. It's a means of communicating your wishes for a connection.