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Hallucinatory Voices Shaped by Culture
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:29 am
by tc119 ... nn-071614/
I felt this was an important little study to save and share. Essentially, the anthropologist found that only American schizophrenics hear negative voices, whereas non-Westerners hear more friendly disembodied companions and have much healthier relationships with their voices.
I'm not saying that those of us who experience spirit lovers are necessarily schizophrenic - there's always the possibility that we could be, but I don't believe this to be the case. I simply find the parallels interesting: how different cultures deal more productively with uncommon phenomena. I believe the same attitude can be applied towards those who have succubi and incubi in their lives. If we start off with an adversarial stance, one that treats these spirits like they're a disease to be purged, then we'll likely get the same attitude reflected right back at us, just like the schizophrenics in my country.
Re: Hallucinatory Voices Shaped by Culture
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:50 pm
by Fightersword
To me, some of the differences are even more striking. Take the below picture.
- 98E9E824-23B7-4413-B351-F3DC886CD1C8.jpeg (191.78 KiB) Viewed 4675 times
This directly contrasts with telepathic conversation with spirit lovers, where it is notable that voices are not the mode of communication, at least as far as I can tell. Further these voices are audible (to the schizophrenic, anyway), whereas audible moments with one's spirit lover are incredibly rare (normally happening in the hypnogogic state), and not related to telepathy.
Given this understanding of schizophrenia, we can realistically separate schizophrenic voices from spirit communication. That also means it might even be realistically possible to tell if someone has schizophrenia versus a real spirit lover, if we can understand their situation in correct terms.
Re: Hallucinatory Voices Shaped by Culture
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:25 pm
by tc119
Fightersword wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:50 pm
Given this understanding of schizophrenia, we can realistically separate schizophrenic voices from spirit communication.
I agree that it's an apples-to-oranges comparison. The subjects of this study experience auditory hallucinations versus those of us interacting with sex spirits primarily have touch-based interaction. I was more interested in drawing attention to the differences between cultural attitudes when dealing with paranormal interference or schizophrenia. Ergo, Westerners generally view it as intrusive and potentially life-ruining when compared to non-Westerners.
Re: Hallucinatory Voices Shaped by Culture
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:21 am
by Kiichi
When I was younger and about to fall asleep I used to hear the voices I heard during the day, my family and cartoons, one night, I also heard classical music that I never listened to, one time I could control it the kind of music heard, all instrumental, other I felt like the female voice it was just made up on my mind, as on dreams, like evoking certain specific phrases or responses, is hard to stay conscious on that state and it lasts so little, probably with more energy on the future I will be able to hear better and discern what is real, probably is just about to tune with our spirits, and the rest is noise from various sources, as for Christianity might be the factor here that causes this western people to live in fear and attract on that state negative thoughts and experiences as they are mostly in fear of making mistakes and wrongdoings that could lead them to despair and punishment...
It could be a REM or dream paralysis, some can experience other hallucinations like a presence or a weight over them...
But it becomes very real when you are dreaming about your lady touching you and you wake up with those tinglings and they continue when awake and also even an object falls or makes a noise, I don't know if it's like ascending to their space, attuning to them, or like combining realities, one time I tell you it just clicked and I had that nice experience of hearing them and also my kundalini rising.
Re: Hallucinatory Voices Shaped by Culture
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 8:50 pm
by tc119
It sounds like you're entering the hypnagogic state there, Kiichi. That's a scientific term for that magical place between wakefulness and full sleep. I'll often hear random sounds and voices when slipping into that zone as well, but it all sounds random most of the time. Though occasionally I'll get sounds that I know are from Catherine, and that'll cause me to bolt upright in the bed and turn on the lights.
I often refer to this kind of phenomena as our minds being akin to a radio transceiver drifting around on the dial as we sleep.