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Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:32 pm
by 369 Riddle
Ah yes-another hot internet topic: spiritual marriage. You might be asking why I am even writing about something like this. Well the answer is I had a freaking weird ass dream and decided I would write this post from that experience to gain any other views (especially as interpreting dreams is not one of my strengths).

I was in a dark Roman Catholic cathedral that was dimly lit. I was getting married but I did not see to whom. There ceremony was a bit different and less “flowery” than a normal wedding would be…I don’t think anyone wore white. There was chanting as the priest would say line and the congregation would answer and I was taken back by the normal Christian Christs name being replaced with father Satan…in fact that is who I was wed to…I think :lmfao: . I was given a ring made out of “pounded gold” it was pretty rad looking and had a definite appearance of being medieval. Here is where things get really creepy, I was outright told that while I was dreaming a real ring would be provided in my life…then I awoke feeling sort of disgusted and sort of excited at the same time.

My take is this is influenced by my Christian background and the view there regarding my current spiritual lover. I have had recurring dreams of churches and “the devil” or at least evil power being there…any me having an ability to terrify around…and in general just cause people (dream characters) to be freaked out.

Then there is my current view that the church is in fact man made for profit and control of man and therefore is actually evil in itself without any spiritual force.

Then their is “K” who as I have stated in another post is dynamic and while she is very loving can be confrontational about my beliefs or lifestyle that she views needing pruning, growing, change or improvement.

What are others view on this? Is there an indoctrination of Christianity that is messing up your views when asleep or in your subconscious? How often do you dream of churches? For whatever reason it is pretty frequent with me: but they are either smeared in blood, a place of orgy, or a place of discomfort in my dreams…not so much anything positive… what are your views on spiritual marriage…do you think it is real?

By the way no ring arrived in case someone was wondering. :lol:

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:43 pm
by tc119
You and I both have a great deal of history and baggage when it comes to churches, so it’s not too surprising that it’s a recurring theme during dreams. I get dreams about being back in church all the time. I also get lots of dreams about being back in university and missing classes for an entire semester. (That’s a pretty common one for anyone who has been through higher education.)

As for being wed to “Father Satan,” that’s a clear indication to me that your current trajectory is very much at odds with mainstream religion. Not that you’re literally getting married to Satan, but you’ve aligned yourself with a decidedly heretical spirituality as far as most churches are concerned. I believe orgies and blood in sacred places are indicative of this renegade stance as well.

I am often tested by Catherine in my dreams when it comes to religion – or just standing up for myself in general. I’ll find myself being confronted by an old authority from my youth who attempts to chastise me for straying from their path. Lately, I’ve been winning a lot more encounters, letting those former school masters and mistresses have a piece of my mind.

I believe the church institution is responsible for mass placebo and nocebo effects on those who adhere to their respective faiths. Much of our history is steeped in those biblical stories, so there’s really no escaping its effects. I personally don’t get all that bent out of shape from being confronted by the mainstays of my old church. It’s a part of me, whether I like it or not.

Either way, Congratulations, Riddle! The honeymoon should be an interesting one. :devilbanana:

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:04 pm
by 369 Riddle
Interesting mention of the university dreams…I lived abroad for some of my university study and the school was old-old-old. The feelings I got in some of those buildings was very strange-especially the bath and shower rooms. Yes, I dream of that place very often and of my travels abroad as well.

Sometimes I wonder what “K” thought during this time as she (I believe was at one point in Europe long before me…my rationale for this is this feeling of better regret when I returned to the US and the fact that to this day I am home sick for the place I lived there. I actually flirted with the idea of permanently staying after receiving a certificate which would have allowed further study’s as well as a female native whom was very interested in me…but i can’t change the past.

I have always been a renegade to the church, I got my ear pierced as a teen just to go to church and be started at. People can be so uptight and judgmental that it cracks me up. That said I do miss the community of people I did enjoy socializing with…we once decided we needed a speakeasy for meat at potlucks. Later I joked about this to my parents telling them they needed to start bringing meat to these gathering as everyone eats it-they just lie and say they don’t. Then I get a text when they are there that I guess some people did and everyone ate it. Such a joke…and I could swear “K” played some part in that as she can easily influence people around me to do her bidding…it really is awesome to watch.

Oh man, I am not by any means gay but sometimes these dreams can just be crazy and I think the presence of “K” can sometimes supercharge this per se. Either way I laughed my ass off at the honeymoon comment ! :lol: Thanks man!

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:25 pm
by Fightersword
I'd generally say that church dreams that cast the institution in a negative light would just be a result of your feelings towards the church, as being a negative or evil place. The marriage to 'satan' is different, satan likely representing something like lower desires or an inclination towards sinning. Alternatively, if you simply view Satan as antithetical to the church, it may be you casting your lot in with anti-theism as a whole. If K strongly represents your anti-theistic tendencies just by being a spirit you're in a relationship with, it may indicate that your relationship with her represents your rejection of the church as a whole. The old idea associated with witches (especially by those going after them) of the marriage to satan supports this idea. There are many ways one could view satan in this context, the most wrong of which would be to view it as actual satan actually appearing in your dream.

I think spiritual marriage or marriage to spirit lovers is real, at least in some way. Venus seems attached to the idea, though whether that's because she enjoys the idea or there's some background there is rather inconclusive. She's said things in dreams about it, or we've gotten married in dreams. The more recent one had her telling me we should consecrate our marriage, and she'd taken the guise of a goddess (she had those floating cloud scarf things that you see from some eastern mythology, along with a generally divine look and her white hair. Dream me did call her a goddess in that case. Not to say she is, just to say that's the guise she took in that case). Weird choice of words, as she didn't say 'consummate' which would be easy to decipher and what one would probably expect, but to consecrate it, which is a very Christian way of putting things and not necessarily related to an act. Still didn't understand what she meant in that case. In any case, it seems that whether a literal form of marriage exists or not isn't as relevant as whether or not the spirit lover desires to create something of the sort. Whether or not marriage exists between you and your spirit lover would therefore depend on how you defined marriage itself.

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:32 am
by 369 Riddle
Right, I do likely reject the church as a whole…frankly it is a little hard to admit because it is a big part of how I was raised and who I was but I don’t agree with the fundamental teachings and can’t get past those. I recently have found myself becoming frightfully dark and just today I felt K sort of putting the brakes on this pretty hard. I realized to reject the church doesn’t mean I need to go in the opposite direction of what I simply know to be good moral values, but that I can simply move on from the church and focus and love and being a good person to those around me. She reminded me that she is a being of love and a love that frankly I marvel at…I realized my anger towards the church is quite destructive to my overall well being and outlook on life. So once again she is right and I am blessed to have her as a guide and this really seems to go along with what both of you guys are saying.

I believe this reached a boiling point because church is very much in my face…being married my wife identifies as a Christian-though I accept that as a title more than a description…she always is talking Bible stuff and having the kids and I watch sermons and I feel myself being engrossed in bitterness towards the church. However, I do want my kids (believe it or not) to learn about the teachings because they do have some good moral merit and sometimes the message can be used for a parenting perspective.

I know K is not fond of my wife seeing as she was here first even though I didn’t know K’s identity just…well that I was different. But i now am thinking another aspect of this (could have two meanings in one) is my wife (Satan in the dream-lol hear me out though) is pushing the church on me and I feel it is hypocritical, judgementsl, abusive, and manipulative. At the same time I need to stop taking this so personal and just relax and be more positive knowing it won’t influence my beliefs, I want it for my kids, and frankly I need to be more loving toward people as a whole.


Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:35 am
by sirenAnon
369 Riddle wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:32 am But i now am thinking another aspect of this (could have two meanings in one) is my wife (Satan in the dream-lol hear me out though) is pushing the church on me and I feel it is hypocritical, judgementsl, abusive, and manipulative.
Bruh, in that interpretation, you didn't find satan's ring because you are already wearing it!

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:42 am
by 369 Riddle
sirenAnon wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:35 am
369 Riddle wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:32 am But i now am thinking another aspect of this (could have two meanings in one) is my wife (Satan in the dream-lol hear me out though) is pushing the church on me and I feel it is hypocritical, judgementsl, abusive, and manipulative.
Bruh, in that interpretation, you didn't find satan's ring because you are already wearing it!
Oh man, I totally didn’t even connect that lol. True

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:45 am
by Nefilim_san
369 Riddle wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:32 pm Ah yes-another hot internet topic: spiritual marriage. You might be asking why I am even writing about something like this. Well the answer is I had a freaking weird ass dream and decided I would write this post from that experience to gain any other views (especially as interpreting dreams is not one of my strengths).

I was in a dark Roman Catholic cathedral that was dimly lit. I was getting married but I did not see to whom. There ceremony was a bit different and less “flowery” than a normal wedding would be…I don’t think anyone wore white. There was chanting as the priest would say line and the congregation would answer and I was taken back by the normal Christian Christs name being replaced with father Satan…in fact that is who I was wed to…I think :lmfao: . I was given a ring made out of “pounded gold” it was pretty rad looking and had a definite appearance of being medieval. Here is where things get really creepy, I was outright told that while I was dreaming a real ring would be provided in my life…then I awoke feeling sort of disgusted and sort of excited at the same time.

My take is this is influenced by my Christian background and the view there regarding my current spiritual lover. I have had recurring dreams of churches and “the devil” or at least evil power being there…any me having an ability to terrify around…and in general just cause people (dream characters) to be freaked out.

Then there is my current view that the church is in fact man made for profit and control of man and therefore is actually evil in itself without any spiritual force.

Then their is “K” who as I have stated in another post is dynamic and while she is very loving can be confrontational about my beliefs or lifestyle that she views needing pruning, growing, change or improvement.

What are others view on this? Is there an indoctrination of Christianity that is messing up your views when asleep or in your subconscious? How often do you dream of churches? For whatever reason it is pretty frequent with me: but they are either smeared in blood, a place of orgy, or a place of discomfort in my dreams…not so much anything positive… what are your views on spiritual marriage…do you think it is real?

By the way no ring arrived in case someone was wondering. :lol:
Hi there.Maybe this link (must translate from romanian) could give you an interested answer at your question if you read betwen words. ... i=89978449
For one like me (no name in spirituality),looks like a consacration on your left hand path,probably a moment of "no way to return".I dare to assume an opinion from my "zero" position only thinking that ..who know maybe could be an ideea .

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:00 am
by tc119
Hello, Nefilim and welcome to the forum. The translation for Romanian is coming through well enough on my end. (I'm using Google Translate.)

I enjoyed your blog's description of the dynamic between us and supernatural entities on the Left Hand Path. Instead of being an impersonal worshiper who prostrates one's self for the gods' approval, we become intimately connected with them instead. Marriage is probably the best way to symbolically depict that sort of union, so the imagery in Riddle's dream was appropriate.

I recall from my time in the Christian church that they often attempted to depict the relationship between them and their god as a personal one; almost like they were jealous of those occultists who really did have one-on-one interactions with supernatural entities. Yet the very nature of that religion is impersonal when put into practice. All the prayers are more like petitions, with most of them seemingly bouncing off the ceiling. When a priest or pastor is asked how one is supposed to have a personal relationship with their god, they always say, "Prayer and bible study." The bible is essentially the church-sanctioned oracle - their version of a tarot deck - that requires the learned consensus of the priest-class in order to be interpreted properly. :sadshake:

Maybe I just wasn't clued-in on the secret formula, but I wasn't feeling the connection that everyone else was allegedly enjoying. I figured that if this deity really did want to have a personal relationship, they'd make an effort to reach out; not let me live vicariously through second and third-hand accounts. Only a corrupt elite are ostensibly permitted to have real encounters with the supernatural within the churches.

Thankfully, I became wed to a loving succubus spirit 12 years ago and now there's no room for doubt whatsoever. I've got her right here with me any time I want. No selling of one's soul or bending the knee was required.

Re: Spiritual Marriage

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:41 pm
by Nefilim_san
I just understand the difference betwen "hand left path" and Christian church,i was always that who sugest everyone to think and act folowing bible rulle like"knock and it will be opened to you"."ask and you shall receive"and"who has eyes to see, who has ears to hear",but now i am affraid to surpass this rulles from my self because i am in the meddle betwen a huge desire to have initiatic sex and evolve with his help ( lucid dreams,astral projection,and many others) and on the other side-the fear of the price that i could need to pay .You know?! one (or very few) tell about the price of this chose?! i read all your topics from here(from up to down) and many others-certanly not enough yet but still...i need your help so maybe i will try to create a new topics here,one from that like me and i hope to not bother you very much :) They say that in this path you go alone,but...i supose you need a lot of help (at list with information),because the thinks looks like could go very wrong eventualy.