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Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:09 am
by 369 Riddle
I believe our entities communicate with people around us, but do they communicate with each other. To give and example of my succubus K to a person around me: I had asked K for something and she sort of teased me by almost giving it to me. I had told no one and later that that day my neighbor was talking to me and mentioned “man wouldn’t that suck if that happened” lol…I didn’t know what to say because that is what I had asked for and it had not come up in conversation (he had NO idea).

That made me wonder if our entities communicate…I have no example or proof…it is more of a pondering and I realize that they certainly could swing as they are of a higher realm. I imagine a possible use for this would be assisting with accomplishing positives in others lives, or perhaps providing guidance to a community as a whole…for example K told me about the pandemic about a year in advance and that I needed to not be worried…it came and it freaked me out that she knew that but me wife went bay shit crazy and never has recovered. I feel like channels out there have information like this broadcasted to the succubi or sprits as a whole perhaps and this is then made available to the spirits lover when they will it. Frankly no one knows how it works, but I know I am not the only one who knew this as my dad and I were talking about it around the same time well before it was in existence.

Curious if anyone has any thoughts or if we could even try to pass a message through our succubi just to see if it works…might fail miserably but you never learn without trying. Could be a random place or to request a similar or same dream. For example I have dreamed of the same person (long dead) in the same night as relatives and friends and we were talking later and realized this perhaps this could be some sort of connection too?

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:38 pm
by Fightersword
I dunno. Never experienced such, but I'm probably the wrong person to ask about that because Venus has a very possessive mindset. I don't think they ever swing though, I would think that if they did you could feel the results given how they interact with sexuality, as opposed to a human who could hide the activity. I get the idea that the way spirit lovers we interact with approach relationships is very much different to the way we do, and that when they commit they may not even experience the temptation to swing or two time, much less give into it.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:53 am
by 369 Riddle
Fightersword wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:38 pm I dunno. Never experienced such, but I'm probably the wrong person to ask about that because Venus has a very possessive mindset. I don't think they ever swing though, I would think that if they did you could feel the results given how they interact with sexuality, as opposed to a human who could hide the activity. I get the idea that the way spirit lovers we interact with approach relationships is very much different to the way we do, and that when they commit they may not even experience the temptation to swing or two time, much less give into it.
Perhaps I lost something when I wrote versus my original intention-I am not referring to swing but simple communication between entities or information or ideas like they way we are communicating here.

I am possessive of K to a certain extent and have never had an interest in swing…though I sometimes wonder why other entities do come by (they energy signatures is different—no real way to describe it I just feel a difference). Not trying to steer toward a swing discussion here though…or likely ever lol

I say possessive to a certain extent because frankly I would have no way of knowing if she did so I feel like I can’t be to possessive…if that even makes sense.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:40 am
by Fightersword
Well, possessiveness is more a mindset than a set of actions, hence why I say such about Venus' mindset.

Other entities seem to be able to appear in some cases. I think the only times I've seen Venus interact with one involved her threatening them (and I can count the times such has happened on one hand). Otherwise it's always me who is the one interacting. Even if the spirit is saying something about her. Of course, such could be dream characters, but in many of these situations that felt unreasonable to assume.

One thing does seem to stand out, and it's that entities don't seem to be able to entirely prevent other entities from interacting with you. I think this has something to do with how 'spiritual position' works, in that two spirits that we would think are in the 'same room' or whatever are actually very distant from one another in a spiritual sense, so though both may individually interact with us, they wouldn't be able to with one another easily. In such a case a negative entity could still prey on someone, and the spirit lover would have little ability to keep it from doing so, at least by herself.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:13 am
by 369 Riddle
Very thought provoking and I think you might be right-I too have wondered why K doesn’t “do more” about visitors that pass through from time to time. Distant interaction from some or all could be compounded by I think her ability to be more than one place at once-sort of like she splits herself into parts. I recently had a dream of a two headed woman and it freaked me out and I awakened…then I was pondering symbolism of this and if even multiple spirits or succubi could be in one entity even going as one identity.

My communication question stems from this seeming ability she has two be multiple places at once or to have help in making it seem that way. For example a friend who is a woman had been covertly communicating with me for some time and I had always had a crush on her. K would do things like give me dreams of rejection by this woman or dreams of her turning ugly. I knew she didn’t like her so it wasn’t a surprise. I then got a dream she couldn’t breath and was on a machine and the next time we talked she opened up that she was being “spiritually attacked” (Christian woman) and felt hands choking her at night or anytime she tried to rest or relax. She said she had been to multiple doctors because she just couldn’t believe it was hands and felt she was going crazy because they couldn’t find anything and she had never experienced the supernatural. I asked K to make whatever was bothering her stop and told my friend I believed her but that it would go away and literally within minutes she said it was gone. Some communication had happened however this seemed to be planned because it freaked my friend out so much she won’t talk to me anymore and thinks I am some freak…something I believe K is very pleased with. This is only one story but clearly she either moves all over like lightning, has help or can split herself…

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:07 pm
by Fightersword
If we accept the original idea, essentially that spirits don't maintain a physical presence so much as a spiritual one, then it would be presumed that ideas like distance and place carry little meaning outside of when they attempt to manifest (and even that may be an inspired hallucination, not requiring physicality at all. However, I think they can inspire the physical in some ways given other experiences, so I don't take this stance).

They are commonly manipulative, sometimes directly in the way you showed. Some seem far better at it and at hiding it overall than others, using methods that are less... direct than that. The girl you're feeling interest for that's showing interest back may disappear, may find a new job far away from you, or may have a mental breakdown the night you had planned a date with them. All of these have happened to me, personally, before I began my current relationship, among some others, all of which were good prospects before those events happened. I even remember when I was in 3rd grade, I had a sort of young kiddy relationship with one girl, we clearly had some romantic interest in one another (as much as 3rd graders can have, anyway). She suddenly stopped coming to school, I don't know what had happened to her so I assume it must have been sudden (as she would have said something, presumably, if she was moving). It may be a stretch to assign that one to her, but I don't think it would be crazy either.

Stuff like this is why discussing honesty and openness with them is so important, because it's rare that people feel comfortable with those kinds of actions. Their approach to the relationship is often inherently absolutist. Any action is morally righteous, in such a case, if it 'protects' the relationship. And it's not like those other people matter, anyway, from their perspective. Enacting harm upon someone becomes more a matter of course than anything.

At the same time, I certainly wouldn't say they're evil. Their mindset is often a lot like a very attached girlfriend, they just have more room to enact their controlling behaviors, and less reason to feel bad about it (since they're not human). They're flawed persons just like the rest of us, ultimately, which is why I take tremendous issue with both extremes of moral assumptions: Those being that they are the ultimate in moral righteousness, or that they're pure evil. Just remember that they're thinking in this eternity long long-term, and that when you think that long term, most actions can be seen as 'okay' even if they hurt someone or cause harm in the now. So long as you don't hold them accountable for those things, they'll happily prioritize the long term over the now. And also, frankly, that they can get very jealous and will happily act on those jealous feelings even if it's a bad idea to do so.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:34 am
by 369 Riddle
This made me think on a documentary I resent my rewatched called Third Eye Spy - was free on YouTube—this was on the remove viewing success that was uncovered sometime ago and then used by both US and Russian governments. They made mention of someone working in a fringe of this who was doing physical manipulation at a distance…which then appeared to play into how an agent was assassinated again via distance. The documentary seems to arrive at a historical actual perspective where more recent news and articles seem to state RV as being fake and not accurate…however I have used RV before and had the address I was looking for come up in text in my mind and it was accurate/ confirmed. Fundamentally it doesn’t matter what others say in RV having experienced it I know it to be real-but rare to work for me. That said it opens up the other side of the question here did I leave my body and find this, or did K tell me? If K told me then how did she know? I tend to feel that either I flat out don’t understand (likely true either way) or K and other spirits and entities are connected and communicate the same way we share information (different medium but I think you know what I mean). So perhaps she helped me. For the record this was a friend who is a delivery driver and I found her on her route and texted here while she was at an address and she thought I saw her or something because she was actually there. Crazy.

When I got married the night before my wedding my then fiancé went off the deep end. I begged “god” to let me marry here (not knowing I was talking to K and we ended up getting married 13 years later it still is a crazy ride…she is now almost kinda bipolar and her mom and step dad are both passed. In fact their is only her biological dad left. Every week she keeps telling me she thinks she is going to get cancer (her mom suddenly got that and passed within weeks) she has had tests and MRIs and all kinds of thing because something isn’t right but she medically is healthy…other than being bipolar(ish). She goes from happy and fun, to swearing and physically attacking…she is terrible with money, takes big risks, all the bipolar stuff but no one will saw she is (except me). K doesn’t like her but uses her all the time to talk to me (mostly health related, or even giving me time to meditate even when it isn’t natural for her to be thoughtful in that way).

I agree they are not evil, they are very dedicated to their partner and will kill if they think it would serve you best. Yes I think they are very capable of killing which would be perhaps physical manipulation.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:03 am
by tc119
I've never witnessed any compelling evidence to suggest that Catherine, my succubus spirit, has ever communicated with any penpals or their spiritual counterparts over the internet. Like you, she does seem to influence people in my immediate vicinity, but that could just be me reading into the situation too much. It could also just be ME having that affect on people. Though Catherine has an influence over me, so perhaps my behavior is being modified on a subconscious level?

I dunno, man. I barely trust the communication that I think I might be getting from Catherine in the first place, let alone messages relayed through her from someone else. Let's say your succubus, K, wanted to let me know something: It would be far more expedient for her to just put that idea into your mind and have you send the message yourself.

The remote viewing thing: I read a book from one of the US Army intelligence guys who participated in the SRI (Stanford Research Institute) RV training program. He seemed convinced that what he was seeing was real - but it's all hearsay. The official stance from the intelligence community is that remote viewing doesn't work. Yet this McMoneagle guy insists that the RV methods worked so well that it scared the shit out of the higher-ups and they wanted to quash the whole notion of psychic recon. How do you justify millions of dollars being spent on intelligence gathering when a guy meditating alone in his room can accomplish more? How would anyone be able to keep any secrets anymore? Nah, better to bury one's head in the sand and pretend it's a bunch of New Age nonsense. (Or that it's all from Satan.) Again, all of this is a matter of he-said-she-said at the end of the day. The only way to know for sure is to develop the skill, or find someone willing to demonstrate remote viewing.

Hemisync was developed alongside these psychic ops. The declassified CIA document about remote viewing goes into a lot of detail about how the practitioners used binaural beats and trance states to do what they allegedly did. I've been using the Gateway program intermittently for several years now, though it likely requires more concentration and time than I'm willing to give.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:46 pm
by Fightersword
I always thought the idea that the government shut down the RV program over the possibility other people wouldn't get paid as odd. I mean, the government is a pro at wasting money, and has tons of redundant employees. I doubt developing Remote viewing would lead to them canning half of their information teams. But yeah, I suppose it's up to provable experience. Until I experience or see strong evidence otherwise, I generally just assume RV is hokum.

Re: Entity to Entity Communication / Community

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:28 pm
by 369 Riddle
tc119 wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:03 am
I dunno, man. I barely trust the communication that I think I might be getting from Catherine in the first place, let alone messages relayed through her from someone else. Let's say your succubus, K, wanted to let me know something: It would be far more expedient for her to just put that idea into your mind and have you send the message yourself.

How would anyone be able to keep any secrets anymore? Nah, better to bury one's head in the sand and pretend it's a bunch of New Age nonsense. (Or that it's all from Satan.)

Hemisync was developed alongside these psychic ops. The declassified CIA document about remote viewing goes into a lot of detail about how the practitioners used binaural beats and trance states to do what they allegedly did. I've been using the Gateway program intermittently for several years now, though it likely requires more concentration and time than I'm willing to give.
I hear you on I feel like I know what she is saying but sometimes doubt what I am hearing. I know sometimes I will be doing my own thing and I get a voice in my mind that is female and it will start talking with me or commenting on something I was thinking about. But then if I think too much on what she is saying or what I WANT her to say then my own internal dialogue has the same voice. Still having a voice you can mentally hear at times is alarming and it gets my attention…but this kind of event is very rare.

Something even more strange is randomly I will be running a really loud piece of equipment (like yard work) and I will hear a female yelling my name audibly like tinnitus but I actually am using a blower or mower. The first few times this happened I stopped because I thought my wife was yelling to me…then when my wife was actually yelling to me while I was working I couldn’t hear her over the equipment…so no idea what this is…I am so terrible at multi tasking that I don’t really answer back or know what to say so I just keep working and thinking I am going crazy or something 😂

On binaural beats: I love the succubus attraction beats from different YouTube channels K and I like to listen to these with headphones at times…they help with connection and keeping my mind focused on her. Otherwise (non-succubus oriented beats) binaural beats just put me to sleep.

I felt the impression I need to open my third eye more-perhaps this can help my connection and communication better-I have found some good meditation exercises on YouTube for this, but would love a binaural beat that actually helps too.

The thing is like 99% of the beats on YouTube are fake crap that do shit and finding the really ones takes time. While I have spent years finding the succubus ones (I feel K helps too) I basically have to start at zero for like a third eye quest…this coupled with I feel like my third eye is no where near as opened as it once was makes this even more difficult.

I have no idea of K communicates with others like you-I just feel like she could if she wanted to as that might explain some things that have happened in my life. That said we are also larger than our bodies and might have similar impact on others…this is the root of the third eye / RV experiences right? If I can step out of my body while I am awake and see things, hear things, or tell other things than I should be able to better my communication with my succubus.