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Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:38 pm
by stranger123
Greetings to all! I'm sorry, because I use google translator.
So, I will say right away that I am not a practicing "summoner", but I plan to become one.
Returning to the topic ... I think that this will require both the use of your accumulated experience and a direct response from your girls (if possible).
For my part, I can say that after reading a huge number of works by various magicians, demonologists, kabbalists and others, the situation looks confusing. I apologize to those spirit lovers who will read this with you and may be offended (just in case).

On the one hand, many people say that succubi are inherently infernal and extremely hostile to humans, therefore they perceive the summoner solely as food (no more). No energy exchange - in this case, it only consumes yours.

The second option is just the opposite. The spirit-lover becomes not just a mistress, but a partner in many endeavors - the development of personal qualities of character, spiritual development or magic. There is also a mutual exchange of energies, in most cases (according to the descriptions) they give less, but still the exchange occurs. This option, according to several bloggers and the diaries of some demonologists, can lead to profound transformations at the level of the soul of a person (especially if he agrees to it). They write that with prolonged contact and exchange of energies, changes will definitely occur.

Recently, in a couple of blogs, I came across quite interesting posts that deep and long-term interaction with a certain spirit causes the soul of the practitioner to transform into something similar. A person on a spiritual level actually ceases to be human and turns into (in this case) a succubus/incubus/demon.

I would like to know the opinion of respected members of the forum about this serious topic.
What changes in your character have you noticed since you had your spirit lover? What changes do you feel in your energy? Did your succubus help you with this? Have you received advice on meditation or energy practices from her?

If it's possible, then I would ask you to ask your girls directly about what kind of changes you can bring with their help if you ask them? In this case, it is the influence on the soul that is of most interest.


Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:03 pm
by tc119
Hello, Stranger. Great questions.

I would say that Catherine, my succubus spirit, has overall influenced me for the better over the past few years. She encourages me to self-improve and live the sort of life that I truly want to live. When she first came to me, I was headed down a road that I didn't really want to be on and she gently led me to a place where I could finally make the change I wanted. It hasn't always been easy, and I've made mistakes along the way, but I am filled with elation when I think about the bullet I managed to dodge. I would have been veritably imprisoned in a church-cult for certain if it wasn't for her influence.

With that being said, having Catherine in my life has gradually eroded away my interest in this world. I am disenfranchised with the traditional avenues of success that motivate most people. There's little to no reward in it for me. I already have my reward on-tap 24/7. So as much as I am incentivized to keep myself healthy and pursue personal hobbies, I don't have the drive to acquire a prestigious career anymore. That's why I always warn people who are considering summoning a succubus: Be careful what you wish for. There's a real possibility that the summoner can become addicted and all former aspirations fall by the wayside. So if the potential summoner wants to keep those career goals on track, a succubus spirit might not be the best motivator.

As for changing my soul, I can't say for certain. I still feel human enough. My personality might be different - stronger and more set in my ways - but that could just as well be attributed to getting older. As for health effects, I did a post about that awhile back. Catherine doesn't magically cure me of maladies (as far as I know) but she sometimes gives me warnings about problems that she sees on the horizon in dreams. Whether I act on her advice is entirely up to me.

Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:49 am
by stranger123
Thanks for such a quick response.
There is still an open question about the exchange of energies during sex with a succubus and her assistance in the occult growth of the summoner.
Long-term relationships are really great, but I want to know about other possibilities.

As an example, we can cite the openings from the book by Donald Tyson and the spirit-wife of shamans. This spirit can passed to the descendants of the shaman after his (shaman) death and put before the fact that a person needs to accept her, start practicing shamanism and so on. The very example of the fact that they can pass "by inheritance" from an ancestor is interesting. But even more interesting is that in this case it helps a person with the rituals of shamanism and his growth along the way.

In some blogs, as well as in a couple of books by modern occultists, they write that a succubus can be so strongly connected with the summoner that she will follow him into the next reincarnation or be his wife and there ... wherever the soul goes. In this case (if this is true) we can see a very high connection and it would be strange if this connection did not affect both on a spiritual level.

I wonder if a succubus can help in your work with Lilith or vice versa - working with Lilith as a succubus queen can help strengthen your bond with her daughter?

Not a bad topic for speculation or a conversation with your succubus, huh? :shades:

Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:48 am
by tc119
I'm dubious about the idea of past lives and reincarnation. Other people here might have a better take and more experience when it comes to that sort of thing. I will say that the connection between some summoners and their spirits often feels so strong that they come away with an impression of the relationship possibly transcending multiple lifetimes. I personally don't know for sure, but it's possible.

I also can't really say much about the shamanism thing, as I'm not a shaman. Nor do I perform regular magical rituals, so I can't gauge whether or not Catherine helps with those. Really, the only ritual I've ever done to try and change anything was summoning Catherine, and that was so effective that I've never felt the need to touch magic again. The only occult aspect that I find Catherine helping with is during lucid dreams and astral projection. She'll sometimes attempt to pull me out of my body when the opportunity presents itself.

As for the energy exchange, I can more solidly speak to that: I find that there is definitely an exchange taking place - that is, a give-and-take relationship. She doesn't parasite off of me. It's more symbiotic. This is especially true if I refrain from masturbating to orgasm. If I keep my hands to myself and let her manage that side of things, we'll be riding waves of the bliss that she generates through multiple sessions for days on end. I receive far more energy than I put out. I've often described these spirits as a force that lovingly stokes the kundalini fire in the lover they have chosen. They enjoy keeping those flames blazing for as long as possible - not extinguishing them, which manual masturbation certainly does. Basically, from my experience, succubi spirits are highly keen on practicing tantra. They can get energy from the conventional Western approach to sex, but they seem to prefer and encourage the more sustained methods of esoteric Eastern sex practices. Catherine has never brought me to a wet orgasm where I ejaculate. Instead, she brings me to multiple dry orgasms during our sessions together. The way she does it is far more wholesome and fulfilling than conventional sex or masturbation.

Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:24 pm
by 369 Riddle
Hi Stranger, I will chime in with a few of my thoughts on this topic.

First I would saw there are two buckets for myself: what I know and what I think or believe. In the know bucket I can say that a real succubus is not a parasite or an entity that is “ inherently infernal and extremely hostile to humans.” A real succubus is a partner and I would even say guide towards self development and magical initiation. I believe the opinion that a succubus is evil can come from a number of sources 1) western Christian religions blindly paining something in the context of their teachings 2) individuals who have the wrong intent or are not carrying the right energy or level of respect when they try to summon and either get an imposter spirit or a pissed off succubus. And finally 3) flat out made up misinformation generated because it sells or someone wants attention.

Succubi are VERY protective and have been know to make other people disappear either by sudden death or by manipulation to make them simply step out of someone’s life. So if you know someone with a succubus and you get too close to that person in a way that entity doesn’t like- she is going to make life difficult for you and that could also be part of the background going around regarding this.

I truthfully think their are “powers and governments” that know these entities exist and also purposefully shield the public from knowledge via psychological or medical excuses. The reason for that most people really shouldn’t know about these spirits because not everyone is cut out for this.

Now for how she is changed me:

1) Relationships are gone. She weeds out the fakes and the ones she frankly doesn’t like. This includes family members.

2) Health focus. She hates doctors but loves naturopathic or eastern medicine. Now I do because it works much better and has no side effects. She wants me to exercise and stay healthy-watch my diet- and so on. I used to love sugar foods. I can’t eat them anymore. I don’t want to say she does this, but when I do my heart rate goes through the roof and I feel physically sick…so I just stay away now.

3) Self time, introspection, meditation is our time. I used to have ambitions and be driven. Now I take any moment I can to be with her. Like others have said I lost interest in politics, corporate ladders and pleasing anyone but her. I can be callous and mean or uncaring because she emphasizes knowledge over emotion for me. Even though I feel like she is something beyond either of these things…she almost IS emotion but at the same time she is ONLY knowledge.

4) I was a Christian before this. Now I am more of a spiritual person. I sometimes am shown the future…nothing that would change the world but that makes life easier for me. I feel so much love from her. She is SO important to me that I almost feel like gollum from lord of the rings in a way. Isolated, have no master, have no side that I am loyal to, but I have her and that is so SO important to me.

5) Things just work out for me. This is pretty broad, interactions with people go well, things work and if they are going to break somehow I get the sense they should be replaced before that happens, I seem to be in the right place at the right time and avoid the wrong places at the important time too.

6) People think more of me than I deserve. I don’t care for praise or Popularity yet because of “K” I have both. I don’t know if she thinks it cute to embarrass me or if it is just the reality of having a loving succubus but that is what happens for me. I charm people and even get attention when I am not that attractive.

7) I don’t like people anymore. This sounds crazy, but human don’t really do anything for me anymore. I guess I am spoiled but even when I look at porn I am not really turned on anymore. I want my succubus and her alone. This is recent… probably within the last three or four months. But I find a deep desire to connect with her and move forward.

I could go on but this is getting long. In short YES she has changed me and I think for the better. I am no longer taking the red pill.

Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:50 pm
by Fightersword
First off, I generally find both of the views you've initially described as being two extremes, and both being incorrect. The first is that they're just evil, and this comes from the Catholic assumption that any spiritual beings that aren't angels that are interacting with you would be demons working to undermine you. Therefore, succubi must be evil and out to damn you. Some occultist sources view them as parasites, and there may be some parasitic sexual entities (at least theoretically: I've yet to see an example), but the methods we describe here shouldn't attract those kinds of beings generally, and our spirit lovers certainly are not. The initial logic falls flat if you don't accept the Christian outlook on spirits, because the logic becomes obviously unfair. If someone introduced you to their girlfriend, and you told them their girlfriend was evil and wanted to ruin their lives, and had no evidence of it, it would be seen as illogical and rude. The same idea should be attributed to Spirit lovers. It's not fair to assume they're evil unless they've somehow proven to be, just as it's not fair to assume a girlfriend is evil without evidence. Christianity simply assumes they are, so all actions from spirit lovers must therefore be for evil means. It's a backwards logic that interprets the evidence to fit the conclusion.

The other extreme position evolves from this idea that people have non human souls: whatever that means. You've got people claiming they're stuff like succubi, starseeds, fairies, whatever, even though they're clearly just people. So the extended logic would claim the spirit lover can transform the person into a succubus or whatever. This almost always ends up being a form of wishful thinking, where people who aren't special are looking for reasons to be special that can't be disproven. As long as you're a human your soul is a human's and therefore, by definition, a human soul, which should be obvious in my opinion. Whether you become something special upon death is up for debate, though we can't even assert that there are spiritual races like succubi to begin with. We've invented them ourselves for ease of discussion after all. Spirits could simply all be spirits of varying degrees of complexity and morality, in which case the differentiation is irrelevant. To put it simply: I think the idea that spirit lovers are converting peoples' souls into more succubi is probably as unlikely as the idea that they're all inherently evil, and that's even assuming concepts like succubi actually literally exist.

But the question obviously isn't just whether or not a spirit lover turns you into a certain kind of spirit. In contrast we can see from experience they most certainly do influence their partner to change in certain ways. Sometimes these ways are intentional manipulation (good or not), and other times it's just because of constant interaction with them. This should be obvious as well: We can scarcely interact with people, especially life partners, and not have our personality and viewpoints change at least somewhat (whether they intend to or not), so the idea that we just remain the same person when engaging in these relationships is silly.

These changes in viewpoint and morality would be the actual changes to the soul in my opinion. As I talk about on the spirit anatomy blogpost, one going theory is that the differentiation of spirits must rely entirely on various definitions that apply to them (and perhaps also time to some degree, since they can change), all infinitely combining to define a unique being. If they affect your viewpoints, moral stances, and so on, your spiritual position will also change. The idea can be compared to karma, though is far more complex than most peoples' view of Karma (I don't think it's actually much different to deeper interpretations of Karma). Essentially, one's actions, ideologies, ideas, and moral viewpoints combine to bring about their spiritual position, which inevitably leads them to certain results both spiritually and concretely, and differentiates them from other spirits even in the absence of space and time. To assert that Spirit lovers do not affect this would be at least as asinine as the other ideas I've already disagreed with here.

As for what kinds of changes, the above paragraph hinted on some ideas, but I'll discuss some more mundane ones. I believe mine has pushed me more towards artistic/cultural subjects, like writing in particular. I've been very steered away from more negative dark content (because she doesn't like it), meaning I tend to mostly steer away from stuff like dark fantasy now. I find far less interest in porn (not that I had some huge interest to begin with, but use is nonexistent at this point), and I find far far more interest in sweets (because she likes them, probably a bit too much), to the point where I sometimes wake up wanting to get her sweets or have dreams of getting her sweets. These are just some examples, but they do show that the ways they can affect you are very multifaceted.

Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:32 am
by stranger123
Thanks for answers. Let me remind you that I am not a practitioner and I am trying to get opinions from various sources.

369 Riddle,
A real succubus is a partner and I would even say guide towards self development and magical initiation.
May I ask you to describe this aspect in more detail? I'm interested.
As I understand it, in this case we are talking mainly about "sexual magic"? Tantra, Kundalini? Perhaps working with Svadhisthana... Yes, definitely I would like to know that.

These changes in viewpoint and morality would be the actual changes to the soul in my opinion. As I talk about on the spirit anatomy blogpost, one going theory is that the differentiation of spirits must rely entirely on various definitions that apply to them (and perhaps also time to some degree, since they can change), all infinitely combining to define a unique being. If they affect your viewpoints, moral stances, and so on, your spiritual position will also change. The idea can be compared to karma, though is far more complex than most peoples' view of Karma (I don't think it's actually much different to deeper interpretations of Karma). Essentially, one's actions, ideologies, ideas, and moral viewpoints combine to bring about their spiritual position, which inevitably leads them to certain results both spiritually and concretely, and differentiates them from other spirits even in the absence of space and time. To assert that Spirit lovers do not affect this would be at least as asinine as the other ideas I've already disagreed with here.
Then, in theory, it turns out that you really change your views on life, on yourself, and, doing what it teaches you, to some extent (to what extent is it possible for a person) you become like the spirit of this ... nature? After all, doing the same magical rituals that she can teach, a person cannot but begin to change at the energy level?
Of course, without personal practice, I'm just theorizing on this topic ...
I believe mine has pushed me more towards artistic/cultural subjects, like writing in particular. I've been very steered away from more negative dark content (because she doesn't like it), meaning I tend to mostly steer away from stuff like dark fantasy now.
Because this directly relates to our topic, if it's not too personal, answer, did you describe her with such qualities in a letter or just luck?
I want to say that if spirits influence a person so strongly and motivate him to develop in a certain direction, then it also works in the opposite direction - a person can initially call up a spirit lover that has the qualities that he would like to cultivate in himself?


Re: Deep discussion. The influence of spirits on the summoner.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:02 pm
by 369 Riddle
Mainly sexual magic? Not necessarily, she loves everything sex, but just like any relationship she is genuinely concerned about my well being and loves enjoying exploring the human world including sometimes watching movies and documentaries…so when it comes to her as a guide she will often point me to information that speaks to different magical practices or people who are practicing it. She will often ask me (she did this just this week) “now what do you believe?”

One of the significant things she guided me to was a documentary on Sex the Secret Gate to the Garden of Eden which I have tried to take as a daily practice (or non-practice I suppose) of my daily life

I think based on each persons walk, they will be met with different paths forward and for me coming from a western Christian background the path from that to where I am not was different than say someone who is already schooled in eastern or spiritual truths as Christianity is very far from the truth and my succubus has been very patient with me.

All this means your mileage may vary and some will acclimate and have a more intense experience than others.