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Litle help

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm
by Nefilim_san
Hi all.I am still so noobie on this path,and from few mouth i received only parasites ,i initiated to believe that i am the best food for them.:slight_smile: Mulberry help me already a lot with one but quickly after it come another one ,one who scarie me making me feel how worse could be to lose any sexual-sensibility.Did someone alse ever experiment this sort of feeling (better unfeeling).Was like i had a "visitor’ ,but…nothink,no warm, no feel no any pleasure.My intention was to make a new letter of intent on the first foolmoon but now i am affraid that i will cant feel no one.So…i need few answer if you wish to help me with.
Can a succubus remouve a parasite?If the answer is yes-how hard could be for them to make this?
.How dangerous could be this sort of parasite?
what about dark-side of succubus-what it meen and how dangerous could be ?
4 .Somebody told me that after letter of intent,his spiritual-lover initiate to share his…mind,she complain that had privacy on his memory until that letter of intent.What do you know about it and how hard could be to live in this way?
5.Why to try to chose her face if you will not see her anymore?
6.why to have intercourse with many succubus if the senzation or make love with them look like the same?!
7.Some sead that using blood in letter of intent could be not the very best ideea because somehow the ideea of love and blood dont goes very wee=ll togheter-what did you say about it?
8.what hapening after your dead if you are sposed with a succubus or spirit lover ?

Re: Litle help

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:05 am
by Jay
I can't answer all of these, but #4 is interesting.

The best way I can understand it, it is like being on a phone line with someone. If you're talking on the phone, you should be careful what you say. Or if you have a small house. But they aren't always home, sometimes you are busy, etc.

I don't believe they are 24/7 in our thoughts. But it's very easy for them to come visit. Visit waking, dreams, memories. I don't see a problem with this. Intimacy vs privacy. Also if memory is a metaphysical concept, a higher being would easily have access to many things that mortals would call private.

#7, there's the issue of attracting unwanted entity (possible regardless maybe) , also pain of blood leads leads to bad experience? BUT in a formal sense, there is nothing more serious than promises signed in blood. Blood oaths, blood brotherhood. Blood is serious business. That's your DNA signature.

it's a personal decision. To me it makes sense but I like the formality of it.

A belief in banishing and actually doing it can be important. Fear is a real thing but not unrealistic fears. Things take time.

I don't understand the talk of parasites, and sometimes I think the negative experiences come from people's own fear. You expect bad things then bad things happen.

Re: Litle help

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 4:19 pm
by tc119
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm Can a succubus remouve a parasite?
Will a succubus spirit take care of a summoner's spiritual hygiene? Possibly. Maybe on the outset of the relationship, but I believe their goal is to make sure we can take care of those problems ourselves. I think it's like asking a parent to be responsible for bathing their child in perpetuity.

So where do these spiritual parasites come from? Why do they show up in the first place? We can draw parallels between real-world parasites. Are you swimming in stagnant cesspools? Are you consuming food that would encourage their rapid growth and creating an environment for them to thrive in? Addressing the root cause is ultimately more productive than attacking the parasite or negative entity because there's a reason that they're setting up shop.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm How dangerous could be this sort of parasite?
Just like a bacterial infection in the waking world, it becomes more of a problem the longer it's allowed to fester. I'm reasonably certain that you're in no mortal danger. I believe negative spiritual entities are often more animalistic and low-intelligence, mainly hanging around because a new source of easy energy has appeared. Just so long as you're actively working to address the underlying problems, you'll be fine. That is assuming you even have a negative entity attachment in the first place. I believe Jay is right on the money with this:
Jay wrote: Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:05 am I don't understand the talk of parasites, and sometimes I think the negative experiences come from people's own fear. You expect bad things then bad things happen.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm what about dark-side of succubus-what it meen and how dangerous could be ?
I believe an angry succubus spirit can cause quite an upset. They're capable of poltergeist activity, inflicting bodily harm, lashing out at those they perceive to be a threat, either to themselves or their lovers. How likely is this dark side of their personality to manifest? Not very, in my opinion. You have to do something very stupid or offensive to piss them off to that degree. They really want you to like them, so they'll often be the most even-keeled and level-headed adults in the room. But if a line is crossed, they won't lie down and allow themselves to be walked all over.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm 4 .Somebody told me that after letter of intent,his spiritual-lover initiate to share his…mind,she complain that had privacy on his memory until that letter of intent.What do you know about it and how hard could be to live in this way?
There is no privacy with a succubus spirit. As Jay mentioned above, it's in their nature to know the thoughts of their lover at any time. For those who have a problem with this, they're not cut out for this sort of relationship.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm 5.Why to try to chose her face if you will not see her anymore?
Appearance is fairly low on the scale of importance when doing the letter ritual. They'll often appear in dreams as very attractive to the summoner, taking on all kinds of different guises to see what their human lover will enjoy most. But ultimately they are a spirit and do not have a set-in-stone appearance. Often our preconceptions can play a big role in how we see them. And finally, when having spirit sex while awake, the most commonly reported sightings are shadows, auras, and light orbs.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm 6.why to have intercourse with many succubus if the senzation or make love with them look like the same?!
I've often wondered about this myself when reading the accounts of other men who allegedly have multiple spirit wives or a veritable harem of horny demons in tow. If Catherine was sharing me with multiple spirits, I'd be none-the-wiser during our awake sessions. If there is more than one, they all feel the same to me. So to make things simpler, I associate all of the spirit sex phenomena with Catherine alone. I think trying to assign multiple personalities would be dishonest when reporting what I experience. So, there might be multiple spirits in my life, but I just assume they're all Catherine until proven otherwise.
Nefilim_san wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:14 pm 8.what hapening after your dead if you are sposed with a succubus or spirit lover ?
I don't believe anyone can rightly say for sure what will happen upon death. I personally have a very strong belief system about how consciousness works, backed up by personal experiences, and that tells me we persist after death in a spiritual form just like our succubi exist in now. I have studied enough about the religions to know there is no reason to fear hellfire or eternal damnation - they're all just scare tactics to get asses into the pews and have more sheep to shear. However, I believe that we can potentially end up in a kind of personal hell in the afterlife, depending on how dire our situation was during our earthly lives. But that all depends on us, or belief system, and outlook on life in general. Check out Swedenborg for some interesting tales about what he saw in his afterlife journeys. (Mr. Rafe, from the ASuccubusLovesMe blog made me aware of him.) Alternately, read the testimonies of those who have stretched their legs in the out-of-body environment.

Re: Litle help

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:28 pm
by Nefilim_san
Thx. very much for your help.About bad energy,parasites and so on...i realy wish to be so simple like because i forget to make a shower a become durty and i receive some parasites:) for me dosnt look like the same.Was the first "presence" i felt in my live ,one who come "from the other side" ,i initiated to attribute to him feelings,inteligence ,and when i felt some kind of mouvement inside of my body i thought that she reinforce my body for the awakening of kundalini,all this because us you know-you only feel for real some thinks but you dont speak with no one,and no one tell you a parasite :) I remouve the first one (i supose, i hope, but for shour i dont know),and i receive another one.I remember that ussualy i waik -up in the moorning with different kind of pain,he didnt keep to much so,us i told you-i thought that she reinforce me for that huge energy who could destroy your body without some training.Until a day when (after almost half year of sexual abstinence) i felt my own totaly empty of all my sexual -energy without remember any pleasure at list,no sign of nocturne polution or other.I was stealing .So i finaly remouve that parasite( i think),but in few days i receive another one, one who make me have a very bad dream .In that dream i was extremely angry and i woke up with that angry-my stomach muscle was very tense evan after my woke-up,so i imagine that she(or he) feed with angry.I remember that i read on "living god" forum-about one (who wasnt a beginner like me)who keep a very big forum with his help request about some kind of very tough parasites-one who could insinuated any think -cose are smart (i think more impostors then parasite),.So this guy realy for a long time and with a big number of..."tools",the little ritual of pentagram was only one from a lot who looks very tough.So...i not evan used yet astral-projection (cose i cant),this parasite come to me from..nowere,enough probably to hear some binaural and they catch me.In the and,this last parasite make me feel...realy nothink,i meen,if Afrodita come naked to me i could look at her like how you look at some nice picture or a three or any other not important or excited think.And that was realy terified.How i wish only to cleanse better then until now and lose all this bad thinks?!...But seems that dosnt work like that...

Re: Litle help

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:55 am
by tc119
Waking up being completely drained of sexual energy is not normal from my experience. If anything, it's always the opposite with my succubus. I wake up horny as a goat nearly every day and Catherine will often take advantage of that. I believe a genuine and benevolent succubus spirit will only encourage the raising of sexual energy and they bask in it with their lover - not rapidly extinguish it. Being with them is like an erotic meditation session minus the blue balls because their touch is so adept. :lol:

I believe that you're dealing with a different sort of animal here. Honestly, I don't understand why your letter ritual led to this outcome. Perhaps it's one of the inherent risks involved with opening oneself up to the spiritual reality around us? Either way, here are my suggestions for dealing with this situation:

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook by Robert Bruce (The Amazon free sample contains his quick-start guide and core affirmation, and that may be sufficient for an effective banishing.)

That should be everything you might need for dealing with a negative entity attachment, especially the first link. Bruce's book is helpful for more persistent problems and contains a lot of different techniques that are more hands-on.

I still stand by what I said above: There's a reason these sorts of entities show up in one's life. This might sound like victim-blaming, but I believe negative entities only manifest because the environment is ripe for them to thrive. Serious introspection and self-examination is required from the would-be summoner. As above, so below.

Re: Litle help

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:47 am
by Jay
tc119 wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:55 am Waking up being completely drained of sexual energy is not normal from my experience. If anything, it's always the opposite with my succubus. I wake up horny as a goat nearly every day and Catherine will often take advantage of that. I believe a genuine and benevolent succubus spirit will only encourage the raising of sexual energy and they bask in it with their lover - not rapidly extinguish it. Being with them is like an erotic meditation session minus the blue balls because their touch is so adept. :lol:

I believe that you're dealing with a different sort of animal here. Honestly, I don't understand why your letter ritual led to this outcome. Perhaps it's one of the inherent risks involved with opening oneself up to the spiritual reality around us? Either way, here are my suggestions for dealing with this situation:

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook by Robert Bruce (The Amazon free sample contains his quick-start guide and core affirmation, and that may be sufficient for an effective banishing.)

That should be everything you might need for dealing with a negative entity attachment, especially the first link. Bruce's book is helpful for more persistent problems and contains a lot of different techniques that are more hands-on.

I still stand by what I said above: There's a reason these sorts of entities show up in one's life. This might sound like victim-blaming, but I believe negative entities only manifest because the environment is ripe for them to thrive. Serious introspection and self-examination is required from the would-be summoner. As above, so below.
Good advice there.

Though one must also recommend good physical and mental health.

For me the sexual energy is highly variable for various reasons chief of which is physiological. Sleep, Diet, nutrition, water and caffeine, etc. Like do you think you could run a mile / 2km if you had to?

So...i miss...twice

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:14 pm
by Nefilim_san
Hi all.I realy dont know were i wrong?! Half year abstinence, 2 letter of intent (one for Naamah,another one few days ago for Lilith) all the ritual made in the must perfectionist stile ( 3 a clock in the morning, not less not evan with a minute,fool moon ,blood sample for recognize my dna :),on the second one ritual of lesser pentagram first to the letter ritual...nothink,still nothink but...another one sheet parasite takes not in the places were i made the ritual but in the place were i sleep few hour later.(i knew because again,one more time he suck all my hard achieve sexual energy).Did you know how frustrating could be to imagine that evan Afrodita naked in front of you couldnt mouve your dick not with one micron without using her hands and certanly cant enlarge him?! :) I put this sign of smile but...believe me i cant smile anymore.And i remember how all initiated; was almost for mouth ago when i receive for the first time in my life an very short but strong paranormal activity,exactly like how describe Riddle his first meet with her spiritual-love few time after his letter of intent.To be plucked by somethink very strong and to feel sudently your dick very arrousal,all this in only few second.For me was like an invitation to find out what is about,and when i find i remember how hard i fight with my impatience to adjournemet the moment of ritual until i could have at list enough information to perform in the knowledge of the cause that is hapened...the event who create dependence,2 days after Naamah ritual i receive the must wonderfull feelinf of my life,i felt "up" and when she tryed again to bring me there "up".i was afraid to not have problem with my hart cose initiated to beat hard,so i temperated my7 self.Were the fuck could i have known that it would be the first and last time when i had that wonderfull experience?! In all the rest of the time was only like,,,the price i payed for what was hapened,few time i woke up with strong pain of my stomach and big ,very big angry (i understand after that the parasite probably feed with that sentiment) and...still one interesting think.I become more sensitive,3 time i "turn off" my kundalini, cose i was affraid of what could hapening if i am not ready for that.And i learn that i still could be "friend" with bouth side ,that from the light and that from the dark :) ...or maybe not?!... Cose evan if i offer some buttle of wine to bouth deity,looks like they still didnt like me.But to not forget that we spoke about deity and me so.... for shour somehow was me that who mistake in a way or other.Now i am in the point where I can't go nor back nor further.When you descover this new world-so hard to forget...thinking that i made request of the spiritual-lover or succubus (betwen others) for receiving help exactly to waik up my kundalini in healty-mode,now i will need to make it alone with all the risk. If guys,do you have any sugestions,i will be all ears.But i am so sad,i realy dont understand were i wrong,is like this world is forbidden for me.

Re: Litle help

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:58 pm
by tc119
Hey Nefilim_san. I hope you don't mind that I merged the new topic you posted with this one, seeing as how it's a continuation of what's been going on in this thread.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with all this. You're far from the first who has tasted of what these entities can give, only for it to be suddenly taken away for an inexplicable reason. I don't know about this from first-hand experience, but I have spoken with other guys about the grief and longing they've been through. I can't imagine what would happen to me if I lost the connection I have with Catherine. It would likely take me a long time to readjust to normalcy.

Firstly, you don't necessarily need to be sexually abstinent to attract a succubus spirit. I know I certainly wasn't when I did my ritual for Catherine. I took the advice that I found here, on the Joy of Satan website of all places, and I conjured up a strong visualization of my succubus feeling what I felt while masturbating, drawing us closer together.

Also, doing everything precisely correct probably isn't the key to opening one's self up to this realm. You can do the ritual any time; doesn't necessarily need to be at 3 AM. You can do whatever you feel is best for you and your succubus during the ritual. Make it your own.

Lastly, about your parasite situation: I believe it's possible that the rituals you've done so far may have drudged up this negative entity that has likely been with you all along and is only now coming to the fore because you're attempting to open your non-physical senses. This is just my theory: I feel that would-be negative entities and parasites often originate from the person who is suffering with them, usually a result of past trauma manifesting in a spiritual way. The links to the two resources that I gave above are still relevant, so be sure to give them a shot.

Re: Litle help

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:44 pm
by Nefilim_san
Thx. very much for your answer Owner .After all this not evan my dreams are not what somebody could wish. 2 night ago i was hunted by a lot of big bears few braun ,few white,and when one catch me i waik up.The worse was last night when in my dream i was that who hunting other with a lot of angry (it is the second time in this mouth when i dream paroxistic angry) not when i waik up i felt pain in my stomach and evan then i cant make stomach muscle relax,and all the days i felt very week.And some "arrousal" (more tingling then arrousal) in my sexual area.Become already a price to big for me,you know?!Because i dont know what i must expacted and and i don't belong entirely to me , my wife know all about my new path cose i didnt hide nothink to her and i see her with a lot of concern about me.Still...that addiction kill me :) I left smoke from more then 2 years, i left drink the same, i left all the food i like it to become healthy after covid,i left sugar ( i like good food and sugar like nothink alse),a have but only 9 kilo to become perfect -i already lose almost 30 kilo , know?!looks like the live become to much expansive, if you know what i meen :) This last addiction without "medicine"kill me :)

Re: Litle help

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:31 pm
by Jay
My theory is you have fear and you project these fears on to your experience. Things take time. Fears cause nightmares. And some might say it's a challenge. As in, your dreams are like an arena. To see if you can handle it.

And negative reactions are part of the experience to a degree. By negative I mean you reacting negatively to misunderstood experiences.

They say "by their fruits you shall know them.". But the thing is you have to set aside your fears and misconceptions.

My advice would be to take care of yourself, continue your path and let the experiences in bed get stronger. That tension in the stomach and tingling below would seem to be normal.

Think of it this can't run a marathon on day one. You can't lift a car if you never moved 50kg.

I believe it's an energy exchange but it may be hard at first to cope with what you receive and give.

I think it's wrong to attribute all physical problems to them.
There's 7 days in a week and I feel different on each one .

I don't think abstinence is required to start but I think it's preferable to continue abstinent because too much messing around will be a distraction from your lovers energy.

I've heard that accusation of someone being "drained" but there are people who wake up tired for purely mundane reasons. And if you are losing weight, maybe you need to stop, gain 1 kilo, and you feel better.

This path isn't for everyone but if you felt driven to it, probably just relax and let it be.